The Enhanced Replant Program provides support to help wine grape, berry, and tree fruit producers replace existing acreage with climate-resilient varieties that produce in-demand, premium fruit.
The Enhanced Replant Program (ERP), funded through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, seeks to increase the competitiveness and resiliency of the BC agri-food economy in domestic and global markets.
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Program Objective
ERP seeks to increase the competitiveness and resiliency of the BC agri-food economy in domestic and global markets by providing direct funding support to producers looking to replace damaged, diseased and low-producing vines, plants and trees with climate resilient varieties that produce in-demand, premium fruit.
Program-Wide Eligibility Criteria
The Enhanced Replant Program requires applicants to meet program-wide eligibility criteria AND stream-specific eligibility criteria. This section outlines the eligibility criteria all applicants must meet. Funding stream-specific eligibility criteria is found on the individual funding stream pages. Applicants are responsible for reviewing and understanding both program-wide and stream-specific eligibility criteria before submitting their application.
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Read through the program wide-eligibility criteria below.
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If you meet the program-wide eligibility criteria, proceed to the funding stream you would like to apply for and read through the stream-specific eligibility criteria to determine if you’re eligible.
Application Process
Applicants can apply through the IAF Client Portal. The application process and required documents are specific to each funding stream. The application process will generally consist of:
IAF staff are available to answer questions regarding eligible activities, costs and/or the application process. IAF may also contact applicants for additional information or clarification to assess their application. Applicants can contact with any questions about the program or to receive support in developing their application or book an appointment for a phone call.
Applicants are encouraged to include only activities they are confident will be completed on time and within budget limits.
Note: Applying to the program is not a guarantee of funding. Applications that are incomplete or do not meet eligibility criteria will not fulfill the program’s requirements and may adversely affect your funding decision.
Review and Adjudication
Prior to funding decisions being made, project applications are screened and reviewed by IAF and may be reviewed by a technical expert. The application review process will include:
- Ensuring application completeness.
- Organization/Applicant eligibility check.
- Project eligibility check.
Application Audit
Upon successful completion of review by IAF staff, 10% of eligible applications will be selected for further audit and review. This audit will involve a secondary review of applications for eligibility and validation of technical information by an Accredited Professional. Additional information may be requested from the applicant before it can be considered for funding.
The following audit criteria may be considered:
- Owner/Lessee Farm Operation details:
- Total acreage
- Planting density
- Business plan
- Financial Review
- Contribution Margin Template for positive returns
- Compliance Checks
- Food safety standards
- Valid water license
- Soil test results
- Varietal Assessment
- Additional Assessments
- Production insurance
- AgriStability participation
- Environmental Farm Plan (EFP)
Note: Applications that fail the audit requirements may be deemed ineligible and not funded.
Due to the large volume of applications IAF received, funding decisions will be delayed until the end of February. Please note, if an application is sent back for further information or revisions this will reset the application review timeline. All funding decisions are final. All applicants will receive a funding decision email from IAF via the IAF Client Portal. The status of an application can be found in the IAF Client Portal.
Program Scoring Criteria
All eligible applications will be scored based on specific criteria provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; this may include:
- Confirmed plant order for all fields at the time of application
- Enrollment in Production Insurance (With the exception of Stream 4: Berry Removal/Renewal. Stream 4 applicants aren’t required to be enrolled in Production Insurance.)
- Enrollment in AgriStability or vertical integration that makes them ineligible for AgriStability
- A current Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) or in the process of renewing/applying for one
- A business plan that meets Ministry requirements and was developed within the last five years
Additional Scoring Criteria
The following additional scoring criteria outline are specific for each funding stream related to replanting and removal/renewal activities:
Stream 1: Tree Fruit Replant
- Field(s) being replanted will be cover cropped or left fallow for at least 12 months prior to planting.
Stream 2: Wine Grape Replant
- Field(s) being replanted will be cover cropped or left fallow for at least 12 months prior to planting.
- Sustainable Winegrowing BC (SWBC) member OR have completed the SWBC online self-assessment.
Stream 3: Berry Replant
- Field(s) being replanted will be cover cropped for at least 6 months prior to planting.
Stream 4: Berry Removal/Renewal
- Blueberry Removal: Fields are being removed due to high levels of Blueberry Scorch Virus.
- Cranberry Removal: Removing old varieties including Stevens, Berman, Pilgrim, Ben Lear, McFarlin, or Grygleski Hybrid 1.
Funding will be awarded to high-scoring applicants first, until the program allocations are exhausted.
Notifications & Obligations
Funding Notifications & Contracts
If the project is approved, IAF will inform the applicant of the details of the decision and any associated terms and conditions by email. Due to the large volume of applications IAF received, funding decisions will be delayed until the end of February.
Funding is application and project-specific and must be used for the approved project and eligible expenses as outlined. Funds are non-transferable. Retroactive approvals are eligible for ERP. Replanting activities are eligible provided the purchase was made on or after January 1, 2022.
Approved replant projects, including those that receive a conditional approval, must be completed within 24 months of funding decision notification. Approved removal projects must be completed within 12 months of funding decision notification. Applicants without a confirmed plant order may receive conditional funding approval, pending the submission of an order confirmation to IAF. Conditional approval is valid for 60 days; failure to submit an order confirmation will result in cancellation of conditional approval. Applicants would be required to resubmit pending reopening of an application window. No project extensions will be considered.
Approved applicants will be published annually on the IAF website, highlighting funding awarded to producers and key program achievements to date.
Reporting Requirements
Successful applicants must complete all removal/renewal or replanting activities, submit a project report and/or successfully complete an on-site field inspection prior to receiving payment. Project report(s) must be completed and submitted to IAF, with receipts and invoices (as applicable), to be considered for funding reimbursement. It is important the final report is submitted on time and with all required information. Expenses will be reimbursed based on the submitted receipts, the approved project proposal, and the corresponding cost-share ratio. Payments will be made in CAD with exchange rates calculated at the time of payment unless a proof of exchange rate is provided. All reporting will be completed via the IAF Client Portal.
Cranberry renewal and blueberry removal projects will be reimbursed based on a flat rate per acre following the completion of removal activities. Final reporting will be required before funding payments are issued.
Final project reports will include, but may not be limited to:
- Replant Projects: Image(s) of each project location, showing planted rows and installed irrigation.
- Replant/Removal Projects: Image(s) of each project location, showing all plants and obsolete infrastructure have been removed and disposed of
- Confirmed total number of plants/acres planted or removed
- Provide supporting documents (receipts, invoices etc.)
- Producer planting survey
- Attestation of work complete
A progress report(s) may be required for projects that exceed 12-months in duration.
If a report is submitted by a producer, shows evidence of inter-planting, the project will automatically require an on-site field inspection and may be ineligible for funding.
Eligible Invoice for Cost-Shared Funding
To qualify for reimbursement, invoices must:
- Relate to Approved Expenses: Reflect costs directly associated with purchases from:
- Nursery Stock: Plant(s) purchased and/or one-time royalty or licensing fee
- Home-sourced Nursery: Growers using their own home nurseries need provide receipt for rootstock and scion (if applicable) and receipt for any associated royalty payments.
- Be Itemized: Include detailed descriptions (i.e. varieties), quantities, and unit prices for the above expenses.
- Show Date of Purchase: Indicate the invoice date or purchase date(s)
- Include Vendor Information: Display the vendor’s name, address, and contact details.
- Provide Payment Proof: Accompany the invoice with evidence of payment, such as a receipt or bank statement (if available at the time of application).
Producer-to-producer sales (including rootstock, scion, plants) are eligible under ERP. Applicants must provide an ‘invoice’ for the payment of a producer-to-producer sales which includes:
- Seller information; including legal business name, address / contact information, and GST/business number for farm/business selling plants;
- IAF may request original invoices from commercial nurseries on a case-by-case basis
- The variety and number (unit/quantity) of plants sold;
- Cost per plant and total costs;
- Buyer information; including legal business name, address / contact information, and GST/business number for the farm/business buying plants;
- The applicant (buyer) is also required to provide back up of the transaction to show proof of payment (i.e. bank statement showing transfer of funds, deposited cheque etc.)”
For questions about eligible expenses, please contact the IAF program team at
Field Inspections
Field inspection process: Approved projects selected to participate in the field inspection audit will be automatically notified when a final report is completed / submitted to IAF through the IAF Client Portal.
Field inspections will be conducted for a minimum of 25% of completed projects, by a qualified professional scheduling an on-site visit with the producer. Field inspections will take place within 3-6 months of project completion and planting. Final payments will be based on the outcome of the inspection and assessment of the project’s progress.
Criteria for each inspection could include, but is not limited to:
- Verify project location.
- Verify the commodity planted.
- Verify the source of planting stock and varieties.
- Assess site preparation and weed control.
- Measure average plant spacing and row spacing.
- Measure field area.
- Assess plant quality in terms of overall health.
- Ensure support system/trellising is in place and trees are tied (if applicable).
- Ensure permanent irrigation system is installed.
- Verify the previous planting in field block have been removed and obsolete infrastructure has been removed and disposed of.
- Take photos.
Note: Projects that fail the field inspection requirements may be deemed ineligible and not funded.
Payments will only be issued to producers following project completion and/or field inspection.
Funding Acknowledgement
This program is funded by the Government of British Columbia. As such, acknowledgement of funding is required when publicly communicating about a project and/or funding. To ensure appropriate acknowledgement, all communications and marketing materials, including public announcements or social media posts, must be pre-approved by the IAF Communications Team. Details on correctly acknowledging funding can be found on the project resource hub. Materials must be submitted via the IAF Client Portal.
Program Funding Streams
In addition to the ERP program-wide eligibility criteria, applicants are also responsible for meeting the stream-specific eligibility criteria. For the stream-specific eligibility criteria and additional information on each funding stream, click on the funding stream you would like to apply for.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.