Stream 4: Berry Removal/Renewal is open to existing blueberry growers removing and not replanting their fields and existing cranberry growers renewing their fields.

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Stream 4: Berry Removal/Renewal

Eligibility Criteria

The Enhanced Replant Program requires applicants meet the program-wide eligibility criteria AND funding stream-specific eligibility criteria. This page outlines the eligibility criteria for Stream 4: Berry Removal/Renewal projects.

Applicants are responsible for reviewing and understanding both program-wide and stream-specific eligibility criteria before submitting their application.

Blueberry Removal Eligibility Criteria

Removal funding is for producers exiting the industry or reducing their blueberry acreage. In addition to the program-wide eligibility criteria, the following applies to all blueberry removal projects.

Eligible Applicants

  • Applicants exiting the industry or reducing their blueberry acreage. An applicant can only apply for removal or replant funding, not both.
  • The applicant must be in good standing with the BC Blueberry Council with all levies paid on fresh and processed production from the previous year.

Funding Per Acre

  • Blueberry producers will receive a flat rate of $2,500 per acre of blueberry removal upon project completion.

Cranberry Renewal Eligibility Criteria

Renewal funding is for producers renewing their fields. In addition to the program-wide eligibility criteria, the following applies to all cranberry renewal projects.

Eligible Applicants

  • The applicant must be an existing cranberry grower in the province of British Columbia.
  • The applicant must be removing cranberries and planning to replant with a high yielding variety of cranberries.
  • The applicant must have a license to grow cranberries from the BC Cranberry Marketing Commission.

Funding Per Acre

  • Cranberry producers will receive a flat rate of $5,000 per acre of removal upon project completion.


Important Dates

Applications for Stream 4: Berry Removal/Renewal will open on November 7, 2024. Applicants will have the opportunity to prepare and draft an application before submission.

Applications Open: November 7, 2024
Information Session: November 14, 2024, at 12 PM PT (Register)
Submissions Open: December 5, 2024, at 9 AM PT
Applications Close: December 12, 2024, at 4 PM PT

Removal/renewal activities cannot start until after a producer has received funding approval. 

Application Process

Applicants apply through the IAF Client Portal. The application process and required documents are specific to each funding stream. The application process will generally consist of:

REMINDER: Do not wait to start this process – it can take up to two business days to validate your organization!

Create a personal profile (name and email)

Provide organization information, including:

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • Type of organization
  • BC ID / CRA numbers
  • Primary contact
  • And more

Select the Enhanced Replant Program from Funding Opportunities, and provide:

  • Additional applicant information, including commodity type
  • Parcel Identification Number PID and civic address for each planting or removal/renewal site
  • Planting proposal, including field size (acres), variety, planting density, site map etc.
  • Total Plant Cost (if applicable) and Funding Request
  • All applicants may also be required to complete and submit an AF Demographic Survey with their ERP application; Confirmation ID numbers are submitted with each ERP application.
  • Participants of the Business Risk Management (BRM) program, will also be asked to provide:
    • Production Insurance Policy Number, physical address of the planting that is being removed or replanted; and the Land Titles Parcel Identification (PID) number. How to Find the BC Land Titles Parcel ID (PID) Using a Civic Address.
    • Any payments received for Production Insurance plant loss claim or if a plant loss claim is in progress.
    • AgriStability Participant Identification Number, if enrolled.
  • Supporting documents (i.e. confirmed plant order). These documents can be uploaded through the IAF Client Portal as attachments to the application.

IAF staff are available to answer questions regarding eligible activities, costs and/or the application process. IAF may also contact applicants for additional information or clarification to assess their application. Applicants can contact erp(at) with any questions about the program or to receive support in developing their application or book an appointment for a phone call.

Applicants are encouraged to include only activities they are confident will be completed on time and within budget limits.

Note: Applying to the program is not a guarantee of funding. Applications that are incomplete or do not meet eligibility criteria will not fulfill the program’s requirements and may adversely affect your funding decision.

Need help with IAF’s Client Portal?

We’ve created a number of tutorials and FAQs about the IAF Client Portal to help you navigate this resource successfully.

Review and Adjudication

Prior to funding decisions being made, project applications are screened and reviewed by IAF and may be reviewed by a technical expert. The application review process will include:

  • Ensuring application completeness.
  • Organization/Applicant eligibility check.
  • Project eligibility check.

Upon successful completion of review by IAF staff, 10% of eligible applications will be selected for further audit and review. This audit will include a secondary review of applications by an Accredited Professional focused on validating/verifying any or all the technical information supplied or required. Additional information may be requested from the applicant before it can be considered for funding.

Note: Applications that fail the audit requirements may be deemed ineligible and not funded.

Program Scoring Criteria

All eligible applications will be scored based on specific criteria provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; this may include:

  • Confirmed plant order for all fields at the time of application.
  • Enrollment in AgriStability or vertical integration that makes them ineligible for AgriStability.
  • A current Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) or in the process of renewing/applying for one.
  • A business plan that meets Ministry requirements and was developed within the last five years.

Additional Scoring Criteria

The additional scoring criteria for Stream 4: Berry Removal/Renewal includes:

Stream 4: Berry Removal/Renewal

  • Blueberry Removal: Fields are being removed due to high levels of Blueberry Scorch Virus.
  • Cranberry Removal: Removing old varieties including Stevens, Berman, Pilgrim, Ben Lear, McFarlin, or Grygleski Hybrid 1.

Funding will be awarded to high-scoring applicants first, until the program allocations are exhausted.

Field Inspections

Field inspections will be conducted for a minimum of 25% of completed projects, by a qualified professional scheduling an on-site visit with the producer. Approved projects selected to participate in the field inspection audit will be automatically notified when a final report is completed / submitted to IAF through the IAF Client Portal.

Have a Question?

If you have any questions about your application, program eligibility, required documents, etc. IAF encourages you to reach out to

Information Session

On Thursday, November 14, 2024 IAF hosted a webinar for Stream 3 and 4. Find the recording below.

Ready to Apply?

Applications are closed. Thank you to all who applied!



Your organization must register through the IAF Client Portal to apply to IAF programs. Please note, if you have not already registered this process can take up to 2 business days and must be completed before the application deadline.

IAF provides payments by EFT (direct deposit). To get your EFT information set up to ensure timely delivery of your payment(s), please follow the directions provided here to update your client portal.


Producers accessing removal / renewal funding (Stream 4) will have up to 12 months from the time of approval to complete projects.

Please provide the status of the permit and any supporting documentation at the time of application.

All recipients are required to comply with all necessary laws and regulations.

Have a Question?

Contact the IAF Team

Program Guide

Download the Enhanced Replant Program Guide.

Stream 4: Berry Removal/Renewal Eligibility Criteria

Download the Stream 4: Berry Removal/Renewal Eligibility Criteria.

Have an Active Project?

Please visit the program’s Project Resource Hub for more information.

Funding provided by:

CAP Logo, Province of BC Logo, Government of Canada Logo

Please note: the Government of BC may, from time to time, give instructions to IAF in relation to the delivery and administration of this program. IAF must and will comply with those instructions.