A Fresh & Growing Plan for Agriculture on the Sunshine Coast
The completion of an agricultural area plan by the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) could be the beginning of an agricultural revival in the region. [...]
The completion of an agricultural area plan by the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) could be the beginning of an agricultural revival in the region. [...]
Lameness is one of the costliest health problems affecting dairy cattle today. Not only will a dairy cow with lame, sore, infected feet produce less [...]
When the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) started the process of developing an agricultural area plan, one of the major challenges was getting an [...]
While the Thompson-Shuswap’s favourable climate, promising land, and diversity of production points to agriculture as a potentially major player in the local economy, regional farming [...]
The United Arab Emirates was the sixth largest importer of Canadian agri-food and seafood products in 2011 and is a leading trading and distribution hub [...]
In 2010, when the City of Kamloops adopted their Sustainable Kamloops Plan, one of the top priorities for the community was agriculture. The people wanted [...]
For Aboriginal communities pursuing economic sustainability, the rise of the value-added agricultural movement provides a promising new direction towards entrepreneurship. Jay Silverberg, who explores Aboriginal [...]
Increasing public awareness about food and farming on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands has translated into two recently completed Agricultural Area Plans. The Regional [...]
Fresh may be best, but when it comes to strawberries, harvest time brings considerable challenges for growers. In BC, the strawberry harvest lasts for only four [...]
Regarded within Central Kootenay as the core of agricultural activity, the Creston Valley has the potential to produce food for the entire Kootenay Region and [...]
With no hands up, they knew something needed to be done. At the August 2009 Cranberry field day, cranberry growers learned about the importance of [...]
When it comes to adapting to one’s environment, you can’t beat a farmer. Climate change, however, and its potential impact on food production, presents an [...]