The Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program (AWP) aims to increase adoption of efficient irrigation infrastructure and improve agricultural water supply and management in British Columbia.
Through this program, the Government of BC seeks to see improvements to stream flows, fish populations and an increased and more sustainable food production.
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Stream 2 Overview
Stream 2 focuses on community projects that have a strong commitment to agriculture, including those that try to expand current water systems to serve additional irrigated lands. This helps support community-owned water infrastructure that brings long-term services and benefits to multiple agricultural water users to increase food production.
Successful applicants of Stream 2: Community Projects will receive cost-shared funding to improve water use efficiency, water security, water availability or drainage conditions for agricultural communities.
Stream Structure
Within Stream 2: Community Projects, there are nine eligible activities:
- Rehabilitation and upgrades of (regulated and unregulated) agricultural dams and reservoirs to meet regulatory requirements.
- Improvement, expansion or new construction of dugouts and related storage infrastructure for irrigation water and livestock watering including rangeland.
- New construction of other water storage infrastructure.
- Improvement, expansion or new construction of off-farm conversion of conveyance ditches to pipelines where savings of 30 to 50% can be achieved.
- Improvement, expansion or new construction of water delivery systems to the farm gate from off-farm infrastructure and licensed intakes on streams.
- Extension of an existing water purveyor network to expand water supply to additional agricultural lands.
- Development of new water purveyed systems to agricultural land.
- Installation of meters where a universal agricultural water metering program is being implemented by a water purveyor.
- Improvement or expansion of diking and drainage systems.
More information about Stream 2 Activities is available below.
Cost-Shared Ratio & Funding Amounts for Stream 2
Minimum Funding Amount | Maximum Funding Amount | Cost-Shared Ratio |
No Minimum | $2,000,000* | 50% |
*Maximum funding amount has been confirmed.
Stacking of funds from other government programs is allowed up to 100% of project costs provided the programs are not delivered by IAF.
What does minimum/maximum funding amount mean?
This is the maximum amount of funding you may receive. If your total project costs are greater than the maximum funding amount (to be confirmed) you can still apply but will only be reimbursed to the maximum.
What’s a cost-shared ratio?
The cost-shared ratio is the respective share of (eligible) Total Project Costs contributed by the applicant and the funder. In this case, 50% of the eligible costs would be paid by the applicant with the remaining 50% paid by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (via IAF).
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Applicants
To be considered eligible for Stream 2, applicants must be BC-based and must be one of the following:
- Irrigation District or Improvement District
- Local Government or Regional District
- Non-Profit Organization – Agriculture
- Non-Profit Organization – Conservation
- Water Users’ Community
- Indigenous Community
- Indigenous Governing Body
- Indigenous Organization – For-Profit
- Indigenous Organization – Non-Profit
Community water supply groups, including Indigenous groups, that provide a combination of irrigation/drainage/diking services to a mix of agricultural and non-agricultural water users are eligible, unless specified as ineligible under the activity description.
Public corporate bodies incorporated or formed under specific provincial legislations which allow them to legally acquire/hold/control property and licences and conduct works are also eligible.
Ineligible Participants
The following applicants are not eligible to participate in this stream:
- Diking District
- Producer – Cooperative
- Producer – Corporation
- Producer – Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Producer – Partnership
- Producer – Sole proprietorship
- Indigenous Producer – Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Indigenous Producer – Partnership
- Indigenous Producer – Sole Proprietorship
- Indigenous Cooperative
- Indigenous Corporation
- Non-agricultural individuals or groups (including Seafood/Aquaculture)
- Provincial and federal governments
- Crown Corporations
Ineligible Projects and Activities
The following projects and activities are not eligible for funding or reimbursement in this stream:
- Activities or costs incurred prior to approval (no retroactive approval permitted)
- In-kind activities
- Activities to support non-agricultural water uses
- Activities not directly related to agricultural water uses
- Purchase of farm equipment and related accessories or attachments (including tractors, skid steers and trailers)
- Activities that are not compliant with federal, provincial or local/municipal regulations
- Financial compensation for lost income, production or land or other associated losses due to water shortages, government orders, or other reasons
- Activities to remove land from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR)
- Purchase of land or easement
- Regular or on-going operating or maintenance activities
- Training or educational courses
- Financing charges, loan interest payments, bank fees and related charges
- Activities currently receiving funding from other funding sources
- GST and other taxes/credits reimbursed to applicant
- Wells
- Water quality treatment
- Irrigation systems (new or existing) funded under Beneficial Management Practices program (BMP 1804)
Application Requirements
In addition to the requirements for the activities listed below, applicants to Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program – Stream 2: Community Projects must also:
- Have completed any required assessments, engineering studies or plans (within or outside of the program) prior to applying for funding.
- Meet all technical, environmental, and regulatory standards and/or requirements, as applicable
- g., a water licence has been issued/amended; documentation from the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship confirming the proposed work is mandatory or recommended, and an authorization has been provided by the Dam Safety Program for the alternation, improvement, or replacement of a dam; approval from Agricultural Land Commission (ALC).
- If permits are pending/under review but the application is otherwise complete, please refer to Review and Adjudication below for guidance.
Activity Overview
Rehabilitation and upgrades of (regulated and unregulated) agricultural dams and reservoirs to meet regulatory requirements.
One of the primary methods to alleviate both spring flooding and summer drought is the construction or enhancement of water storage systems. A well-designed storage system can capture a portion of the peak spring flow for use later in the summer when demand is highest.
Water storage infrastructure will be eligible where there is an indication the water supply is currently unable to meet agricultural demand, where it is unlikely to meet demand under future climate change conditions, and where upgrades are required for existing infrastructure that are failing.
- Dams with deficiencies where the dam owner have not been ordered to make repairs or lower the reservoir. Deficiencies are most often identified by the owners’ consultant. They will often provide recommendations on how to remediate the dams. In these cases the Dam Safety Program works with the dam owner on a plan to remediate without issuing an order.
- An assessment by the Dam Safety Program staff would be legally required before the work begins and when upgrade is completed.
- Increasing the size of the storage will require an authorization from the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship.
Eligible Activities and Costs
- Construction, materials, machinery/equipment (gates, valves, etc.) and other costs associated with the construction.
- Pumping systems and watering troughs to keep livestock out of the existing reservoir are recommended and are eligible costs, provided the reservoir is deemed to provide a secure source in periods of extended drought. Fencing if installed along with a pumping system is recommended and an eligible cost to keep cattle out of the reservoir.
- Other professional services associated with the project supervision
Ineligible Activities and Costs
- Water distribution system
- Used materials
Regulatory Requirement
- Water licence for the proposed use (e.g., irrigation) of the water source (i.e., aquifer, stream)
- Water licence for the proposed storage volume
- Assessment/approval/authorization from the Dam Safety Program staff of the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship
- Change approval to make changes in and about a stream (if applicable)
- Easement (if appliable)
Pre-Construction Requirement
- Engineering assessment, plan or other consultative services conducted by Qualified Professionals as required by the Dam Safety Program of the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (as described in Stream 3 Activity 3 to 6). The plan, as applicable, should include the items listed under eligible costs within this activity.
Activity 2: Improvement, expansion or new construction of dugouts and related storage infrastructure
Activity Overview
Improvement, expansion or new construction of dugouts and related storage infrastructure for irrigation water and livestock watering including rangeland.
- Producers on low flow water supplies will often install a dugout to enhance supply by augmenting water supplies during times of shortage.
- Lining of dugouts to improve water holding capacity.
- Installation of pumps and watering troughs to improve livestock watering and protect stream health.
Eligible Activities and Expenditures
- Construction, materials, liner, pump, intake, machinery/equipment (e.g., gates, valves, etc.) and associated fittings and controls
- Power supply to farm property line as required
- Solar or wind power supply for remote livestock watering systems
- Planting of trees and snow fencing to facilitate snow collection and melt
- Dugout aeration systems (wind or electric compressors)
- Pumping systems and watering troughs to keep livestock out of the existing dugout are recommended and are eligible costs, provided the dugout is deemed to provide a secure source in periods of extended drought. Fencing if installed along with a pumping system is recommended and eligible cost to keep cattle out of the dugout.
- Other professional services associated with the project supervision
Ineligible Activities and Costs
- Water distribution system
- Used materials
- Dugouts with design specifications that are legally considered as dams according to the Dam Safety Regulation (DSR)
Regulatory Requirement
- Water licence for the proposed use (e.g., irrigation) of the water source (i.e., aquifer, stream)
- Water licence for the proposed storage volume
- Change approval to make changes in and about a stream (if applicable)
- Easement (if appliable)
Note: To determine if a water licence is required for a dugout, please refer to Authorization Requirements for Storage and Use of Water in Dugouts.
Pre-Construction Requirement
Please refer to Authorization Requirements for Storage and Use of Water in Dugouts, Guidance on Farm Water Storage, B.C. Agriculture Water Calculator, and B.C. Farm Water Dugouts, or contact the Dam Safety Program staff.
For dugouts and other water storage infrastructure with design specifications that are legally not considered as dams according to the Dam Safety Regulation (DSR): engineering design plan, prepared by a Qualified Professional, that includes, but is not limited to, farm water use requirement, water supply sources and volume, peak flow rate, dugout dimensions (depth, length and width) with berms, regulatory requirements, and the items listed under eligible costs within this activity.
Activity Overview
New construction of other water storage infrastructure.
- New storage infrastructure will require an authorization from the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship.
- Water use will need to be licensed for each purpose.
- New storage infrastructure will require an engineering plan.
Eligible Activities and Expenditures
- Construction, materials, machinery/equipment (gates, valves, etc.) and other costs associated with the construction.
- Pumping systems and watering troughs to keep livestock out of the existing reservoir are recommended and are eligible costs, provided the reservoir is deemed to provide a secure source in periods of extended drought. Fencing if installed along with a pumping system is recommended and eligible cost to keep cattle out of the reservoir.
- Other professional services associated with the project supervision.
Ineligible Activities and Costs
- Water distribution system
- Used materials
Regulatory Requirement
- Water licence for the proposed use (e.g., irrigation) of the water source (i.e., aquifer, stream)
- Water licence for the proposed storage volume
- Assessment/approval/authorization from the Dam Safety Program staff of the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship
- Change approval to make changes in and about a stream (if applicable)
- Easement (if appliable)
Pre-Construction Requirement
Please refer to Authorization Requirements for Storage and Use of Water in Dugouts, Guidance on Farm Water Storage, B.C. Agriculture Water Calculator, and B.C. Farm Water Dugouts, or contact the Dam Safety Program staff.
For water storage infrastructure with design specifications that are legally considered as dams according to the Dam Safety Regulation (DSR): engineering assessment, plan or other consultative services conducted by Qualified Professionals as required by the Dam Safety Program of the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (as described in Stream 3 Activity 3 to 6). The plan, as applicable, should include the items listed under eligible costs within this activity.
For water storage infrastructure with design specifications that are legally not considered as dams according to the Dam Safety Regulation (DSR): engineering assessment or plan conducted by Qualified Professionals. The assessment and plan should include, but is not limited to, farm water use requirement, water supply sources and volume, peak flow rate, infrastructure dimensions, regulatory requirements, and the items listed under eligible costs within this activity.
Activity Overview
Improvement, expansion or new construction of off-farm conversion of conveyance ditches to pipelines where savings of 30 to 50% can be achieved.
Water demand will increase with climate change but adding water storage to supplement demand is not always an option. In these cases, the best way to maintain or increase production in water-scarce areas is by using existing water supplies more efficiently to maximize diminishing water supplies and help protect crops from increasingly frequent weather extremes. New delivery systems could also be built to provide better access to water in areas with sufficient supply. In these cases, anticipated warmer and longer growing seasons could lead to an increase in agricultural production with the funding of additional irrigation infrastructure.
Pipelines reduce conveyance losses and can also provide water to the farm under pressure, thus reducing pumping requirements.
Eligible Activities and Expenditures
- Materials and construction costs for source development (e.g., surface storage and intake)
- Mainline distribution system including materials and construction costs (trenching, augering under roads, canals or watercourses)
- Electric power line extension if required for an existing diesel pump or a new pump installation/upgrade to allow water to be brought from the off-farm water supply source to the farm property line. This may include upgrading from a single-phase to a three-phase connection if the pump upgrade requires three-phase.
- Other professional services associated with the project supervision
Ineligible Activities and Costs
- Membership/share cost for tie-in to an existing pipeline
- Troughs, tanks, hydrants in the yard, livestock pens or barns
- On-farm water distribution systems
- Backflood irrigation works
- Used materials
Regulatory Requirement
- Water licence for the proposed use (e.g., irrigation) of the water source (i.e., aquifer, stream)
- Water licence for the proposed storage volume (if applicable)
- Change approval to make changes in and about a stream (if applicable)
- Easement (if appliable)
Pre-Construction Requirement
Engineering study or design plan by Qualified Professionals to identify technical and construction requirements, e.g., survey of ditch length to be replaced by pipe, diameter of pipeline, location of pumphouse, locations of current and potential service connections, flow measuring devices, river/stream crossings, oil/gas/fibre optics pipeline crossings, and items listed under eligible costs within this activity.
Activity Overview
Improvement, expansion or new construction of water delivery systems to the farm gate from off-farm storage infrastructure and licensed intakes on streams – including the expansion of water distribution systems.
Eligible Activities and Expenditures
- Materials and construction costs for source development (e.g., surface storage and intake)
- Mainline distribution system including materials and construction costs (trenching, augering under roads, canals, watercourses)
- Electric power line extension if required for an existing diesel pump or a new pump installation/upgrade to allow water to be brought from the off-farm water supply source to the farm property line. This may include upgrading from a single-phase to a three-phase connection if the pump upgrade requires three-phase.
- Other professional services associated with the project supervision
Ineligible Activities and Costs
- Membership/share cost for tie-in to an existing pipeline
- Troughs, tanks, hydrants in the yard, livestock pens or barns
- On-farm water distribution systems
- Backflood irrigation works
- Used materials
Regulatory Requirement
- Water licence for the proposed use (e.g., irrigation) of the water source (i.e., aquifer, stream)
- Water licence for the proposed storage volume
- Change approval to make changes in and about a stream (if applicable)
- Easement (if appliable)
Pre-Construction Requirement
Engineering study or design plan by Qualified Professionals to identify technical and construction requirements, e.g., diameter and length of pipeline, location of pumphouse, locations of current and proposed service connections, flow measuring devices, river/stream crossings, oil/gas/fibre optics pipeline crossings, and the items listed under eligible costs within this activity.
Activity Overview
Extension of an existing water purveyor network to expand water supply to additional agricultural lands.
Eligible Activities and Expenditures
- Mainline distribution system including materials and construction costs (trenching, augering under roads, canals or watercourses)
- Electric power line extension if required for an existing diesel pump or a new pump installation/upgrade to allow water to be brought from the off-farm water supply source to the farm property line. This may include upgrading from a single-phase to a three-phase connection if the pump upgrade requires three-phase.
- Other professional services associated with the project supervision
Ineligible Activities and Costs
- Membership/share cost for tie-in to an existing pipeline
- Troughs, tanks, hydrants in the yard, livestock pens or barns
- On-farm water distribution systems
- Used materials
Regulatory Requirement
- Water licence for the proposed use (e.g., irrigation) of the water source (i.e., aquifer, stream)
- Water licence for the proposed storage volume
- Change approval to make changes in and about a stream (if applicable)
- Easement (if appliable)
- Approval for purveyed boundary changes
Pre-Construction Requirement
- Engineering study or plan, as described in Stream 3, Activity 2: Engineering studies or plans for water purveyors.
Eligible Activities and Expenditures
- Materials and construction costs for source development (e.g., surface storage and intake)
- Mainline distribution system including materials and construction costs (trenching, augering under roads, canals or watercourses)
- Electric power line extension to the off-farm water supply as required to allow water to be brought to the farm property line
- Other professional services associated with the project supervision
Ineligible Activities and Costs
- Membership/share cost for tie-in to an existing pipeline
- Troughs, tanks, hydrants in the yard, livestock pens or barns
- On-farm water distribution systems
- Backflood irrigation works
- Used materials
Regulatory Requirement
- Water licence for the proposed use (e.g., irrigation) of the water source (i.e., aquifer, stream)
- Water licence for the proposed storage volume
- Change approval to make changes in and about a stream (if applicable)
- Easement (if appliable)
- Documentation of current purveyed boundaries and approval for any boundary changes
Pre-Construction Requirement
- Engineering study or plan, as described in Stream 3, Activity 2: Engineering studies or plans for water purveyors.
Installation of meters where a universal agricultural water metering program is being implemented by a water purveyor.
Eligible Activities and Expenditures
- Purchase and installation costs of meters for agricultural users
- Other associated parts and materials (e.g., pipes, valves, etc.)
- Other professional services associated with the project supervision
Ineligible Activities and Costs
- Meters for non-agricultural users
- Used meters, parts and materials
Regulatory Requirement
- Easement (if appliable)
- Documentation of current purveyed boundaries and approval for any boundary changes
Pre-Construction Requirement
- Engineering study or plan to justify water meters, as flow measuring devices, are part of the long-term water supply solution, as described in Stream 3, Activity 2: Engineering studies or plans for water purveyors.
Activity Overview
- Funding under Stream 2 Activity 9 is intended to protect agricultural land from flooding using effective diking and drainage infrastructure resulting in improved food production in areas subjected to excess water.
- Please indicate if the existing infrastructure has been damaged from a recent disaster.
- The applicant must have the authority and ownership to develop, implement, maintain, and operate the proposed project, as well as plans and budget for its operations and maintenance of the proposed infrastructure. The applicant will need to maintain ongoing operations and retain title to and ownership of the infrastructure in perpetuity. An exception may be made to transfer ownership to another local government.
- Where the applicant is not the owner of the infrastructure and associated assets, the project may proceed if ownership of the infrastructure and associated assets is transferred to the applicant before the project is completed. For example, an applicant may apply for infrastructure owned by an improvement or diking district, water utility, or private water systems, if the ownership of the infrastructure and associated assets is transferred to the sponsoring local government.
- The infrastructure should take into consideration flood hazards as well as current and potential future impacts of climate change in the community. The proposed project should help mitigate risks from future disasters due to natural hazards and climate-related risks. While raising the dikes, constructing new dikes, or conducting other related works, the proposed work should not compromise the safety of other dikes or increase the risk of flooding to others or to the environment, e.g., transfer of flood risk downstream, destruction of fish habitat, introduction of pollutants to the environment.
- The proposed works should be planned and scheduled to ensure that flood protection is not diminished during potential flood periods, and temporary measures shall be provided, as necessary, during construction to ensure that the dike functions as designed. The proposed works should be planned and constructed to also meet environmental needs.
Eligible Activities and Expenditures
- Materials and construction costs for a comprehensive flood control system, which may include, but is not limited to, culverts, pipes, flood boxes, utility lines, pump stations, and pump discharge line.
- Electric power line extension if required to allow water to be removed from farmland within the floodplain. This may include upgrading from a single-phase to a three-phase connection if the pump upgrade requires three-phase.
- Other professional services associated with the project supervision, e.g., according to the Dike Maintenance Act Approvals
Ineligible Activities and Costs
- Dike/drainage infrastructure to support non-agricultural activities, e.g., recent or future non-agricultural developments, in known flood hazard areas.
- Construction of evacuation roads or structures.
- Routine or ongoing operations and maintenance, including regular responsibilities for stormwater systems management.
- Flood mitigation projects that yield only temporary measures, e.g., use of sandbags or log jam removal.
- Debris or sediment removal, including clean out of debris control structures (other than when a mandatory phase of a permanent solution).
- On-farm water distribution or collection systems.
- Used materials.
Diking and Improvement Districts Ineligible Activities and Costs
Diking districts and improvement districts are ineligible for funding under Stream 2 Activity 9 for diking infrastructure improvement or expansion to align with provincial policy direction of dike safety management pertaining to the construction of dikes. Please refer to the Diking Authorities for New Dikes Policy for details. This applies only to diking infrastructure projects proposed by diking districts or improvement districts under Stream 2 Activity 9.
Regulatory Requirement
- Applicants are responsible for obtaining all applicable regulatory approvals, authorizations and permits from the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship as required for the proposed construction under the Dike Maintenance Act, e.g., approvals for construction and design of new dikes, and approvals for changes to existing dikes. Please refer to the Dike Maintenance Act Approvals website for the approval process and other related regulatory details.
- The proposed dike infrastructure must adhere to Dike Design and Construction Guidelines in order to gain approval from the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship, and follow the local, regional, provincial and federal standards or guidelines (as applicable) which include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Dike Design and Construction Guide – Best Management Practices for British Columbia
- Sea Dike Guidelines provides guidelines for the design of sea dikes to protect low-lying lands that are exposed to coastal flood hazards arising from their exposure to the sea and to expected sea level rise due to climate change. The guide is for information only and does not represent official B.C. Government policy.
- Seismic Design Guidelines for Dikes provides guidance and information for qualified professionals to consider when conducting seismic designs of high-consequence dikes located in the southwestern part of B.C.
- Riprap Design and Construction Guide discusses the design and construction of protective works to prevent erosion of riverbanks and dike slopes from stream flow.
- Vegetation Management on Flood Protection Works provides guidelines that present minimum standards for managing vegetation on flood control structures in a manner that protects public and environmental safety.
- Seismic Design Guidelines for Dikes and Seismic Design Information Bulletin for diking authorities and engineers undertaking or planning for the seismic design of dikes, or other industry recognized guidance.
- Hydraulic modelling is used to generate flood profiles and flood scenarios. The B.C. Government uses these profiles and scenarios in dike engineering and land use planning.
- Provincial Flood Hazard Area Land Use Management Guidelines to help local governments to make decisions for flood hazard areas.
- The drainage infrastructure should also follow the Agricultural Drainage Criteria to improve regional drainage and hence allow for proper drainage for lowland crops to survive and thrive.
- The proposed construction work must comply with the Drainage, Ditch and Dike Act.
- Interested funding applicants are also responsible for obtaining any required approvals under the Fisheries Act, Water Sustainability Act (WSA), or other applicable legislation and bylaws.
- Please visit the provincial Dike Management and Dike Maintenance Act Approvals websites for details and identify all necessary regulatory requirements prior to contacting the Dike Safety Program staff.
Pre-Construction Requirement
Engineering study or design plan by Qualified Professionals to identify technical and construction requirements, e.g., location and upgrade/replacement of culverts, pipes, flood boxes, utility lines, pump stations and items listed under eligible costs within this activity.
Important Dates
Applicants to the Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program – Stream 2 can submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through the IAF Client Portal starting on July 3, 2024. EOIs will be accepted until July 24, 2024, at 4 pm. Following EOI review, only those with successful EOIs will be invited to apply. See Review and Adjudication below for more information.
- July 3, 2024: Expressions of Interest open
- July 24, 2024: Expressions of Interest close at 4 PM
- Invitation to Apply: IAF sent out invitations to apply on September 17th, 2024. The deadline to submit a full application is October 17th, 2024 at 4 PM.
- Project Start Date: Upon approval.
- Project End Date: 5 years following the project start date.
- January 15, 2032: All projects must be completed.
Application Process
Applicants can apply through the IAF Client Portal. The application process and required documents are specific to each funding stream. The application process will generally consist of:
If you’ve (and your organization) applied for IAF-delivered funding in the past year (since January 2023) you already have an account and you’re all set! Please ensure your contact details and organization information is up to date.
If you don’t yet have an account, do not wait to start this process – it can take up to two business days to validate your organization!
Creating an account and registering your organization is simple:
- Create a personal profile (name and email)
- Provide organization information, including:
- Name
- Contact details
- Type of organization
- BC ID / CRA numbers (or a file number provided and recognized by the provincial government for organizations where BC ID or CRA numbers are not applicable)
- Primary contact (if this isn’t you)
- And more
Select Agriculture Water Infrastructure | Stream 2 from the Funding Opportunities section of the IAF Client Portal and provide:
- Applicant Type (examples: Producer, Local Government, Indigenous Community, etc.)
- Project Name
- Project Summary
- Select activities you intend to complete
- Proposed Start and End Dates
- Demonstrate how all technical, environmental, regulatory standards and/or requirements (as applicable) are met.
- Water problems/issues to be solved and how the project will address them.
- Project location (latitude and longitude)
- Performance measurement information
- Total Project Cost (budget)
- And more
IAF staff are available to answer questions regarding eligible activities, costs and/or the EOI process. IAF may also contact applicants for additional information or clarification to assess their EOI. Applicants can contact with any questions about the program or to receive support in developing their EOI.
Applicants are encouraged to include only activities they are confident will be completed on time and within budget limits.
Applicants may attach any relevant supporting document to their EOI submission. These documents can be uploaded through the IAF Client Portal as attachments.
Need help with IAF’s Client Portal?
We’ve created a number of tutorials and FAQs about the IAF Client Portal to help you navigate this resource successfully.
Review and Adjudication
Upon receipt of a submitted EOI, expressions of interest are screened by the IAF Team. This review entails:
- Organization / applicant eligibility check.
- Initial review of application completeness including required permits/documents for each project activity.
- Project / budget eligibility check.
- Confirmation of alignment with program eligibility.
- Evaluation against the AWP Stream 2 Expression of Interest Evaluation Criteria. Evaluation criteria will be available online at prior to EOI submissions.
EOIs will also be shared with Ministry of Agriculture and Food staff for input.
IAF anticipates having the EOI results by September 30, 2024, and will act in a timely manner to provide EOI decisions. Only those EOIs that meet the evaluation criteria threshold will be invited to complete a full application. Applicants will be notified by email of Expression of Interest results via the IAF Client Portal. EOIs that are not successful will not be brought forward for any future application intakes. Should another intake occur, applicants will need to re-apply for future consideration. Should an invitation to apply be extended, applicants will have 30 days to complete the application.
Upon receipt of a submitted application, projects are screened by the IAF Team. This review entails:
- Organization / applicant eligibility check.
- Initial review of application completeness including required permits/documents for each project activity.
- Detailed project / budget eligibility check.
- Confirmation of alignment with program eligibility.
If permits are pending/under review but the application is otherwise complete, IAF will proceed to review the application. However, any approval will be conditional until all required documentation is received. Conditional offers/approvals will not receive contracts or be able to incur expenses and/or begin activities in their application until their project has met the conditions of approval.
Upon successful completion of the initial review, projects will be sent to a Technical Review Committee for secondary review and endorsement. This review entails:
- Secondary review of application completeness and confirm project meets all technical, environmental, regulatory standards and/or requirements (as applicable)
- Technical review of project / budget including but not limited to
- Sufficiency of resources/capacity to achieve in timeframe permitted.
- Project management and technical/human resources.
- Highlight technical/permitting considerations needing further review or approval (if applicable).
- Evaluation based on criteria set by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
- Criteria will be posted to prior to invitations for full application being sent.
During the Application Review, if the IAF or Technical Review Committee determines a further technical review is required for the project, then the entire project, or specific components of a project, may undergo additional review. This review is performed by a technical expert/specialist with expertise in the field most applicable to the project in question. The intent of the review is to:
- Clarify, confirm, or provide feedback on the proposed activities, methodology or budget item(s) that may be in question.
- Address technical, legal, or permitting questions.
- Validate claims of sector benefit.
- Confirm/clarify prioritization (if applicable).
Once identified, members of the IAF Team may work in consultation with funding partners to confirm the need for additional review and identify an appropriate specialist to conduct the review.
IAF will work to provide funding decisions within 10-12 weeks of receipt of the completed application submission. Please note, IAF will act in a timely manner to provide funding decisions but cannot determine how long the Technical Review Committee or subsequent technical reviews will take to complete.
Applicants will be notified by email of funding decisions via the IAF Client Portal. Applications that are not successful will not be brought forward for any future application intakes. Should another intake occur, applicants will need to re-apply for future consideration. Upon request, applicants who are not successful in their funding application will be provided information on areas where future application could be strengthened based on their evaluation and any considerations/suggestions noted in review. All adjudication decisions are final. Application can view the status of their application on the IAF Client Portal at any time.
Project Length
Projects receiving funding through Stream 2 of the Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program can begin as of approval and should be completed within five-years or by January 15, 2032, whichever is first. Projects may carry over between fiscal years.
Have a Question?
If you have any questions about your Expression of Interest, program eligibility, required documents, etc., IAF encourages you to reach out to
Information Session
IAF hosted a webinar about Stream 2 on July 10th, 2024. Watch it below or find all the AWP webinars on IAF’s YouTube channel.
Notifications & Obligations
Funding Notifications & Contracts
If the project is approved, IAF will inform the applicant of the details of the decision and any associated terms and conditions via email. The applicant then enters into an agreement with IAF which outlines the obligations of each party.
Funding is application and project-specific and must be used for the approved project and related expenses. Funds are non-transferable.
Project activities requiring financial resources cannot commence until the contribution agreement has been signed by both the applicant and IAF.
Projects receiving funding through Stream 2: Community Projects of the Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program can begin as of approval and must be completed within five-years or by January 15, 2032, whichever is first. Projects may carry over between fiscal years.
Funding limits are set per stream per project. Applicants can apply to multiple streams; however, they will need to apply for each stream separately and can only have a single Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program (2024-2032) project underway at once. There is no lifetime maximum funding limit per applicant.
If the project is not approved, the applicant will receive a written response from IAF via email and via the IAF Client Portal.
Changes to Contracted Projects
If you are not able to complete your project according to the approved workplan, please inform the IAF Team as soon as possible using the IAF Client Portal.
Funding Details
An initial payment (up to 50%) may be made by IAF upon signing of a contribution agreement or submission of the first progress report, however IAF may reduce this advance based on project/applicant risk. Interim and final payments will not be initiated by IAF until reporting requirements are satisfactorily met by the client. These requirements may include one or more progress reports or a single final report at the end of a project, based on the amount of funding approved, length of project, and project complexity/risk.
Interim and final payments will be made based on actual expenses reported and payments will be made in arrears. All projects will require a final report and a minimum of 20% of approved funding will be retained by IAF, pending submission of final reporting.
Funding Acknowledgement
This program is funded by the Government of BC, as such acknowledgement of funding is required when publicly communicating about a project and/or funding. To ensure appropriate acknowledgement, all communications and marketing materials, including public announcements or social media posts, must be pre-approved by the IAF Communications Team. Materials can be submitted via the IAF Client Portal.
Reporting Requirements
Successful applicants must complete a final report and audit (if applicable) prior to receiving final payment from the program and may be required to submit interim activity and financial reporting. All required reports must be filled out and submitted via the IAF Client Portal to be considered for funding reimbursement. It is important reports are submitted on time and with all required information. Please retain all invoices and receipts, you may be asked to submit some or all receipt/invoices following a review of your report(s) by the IAF Team. Expenses will be reimbursed based on audited receipts, financial report, and the approved project budget. All reporting will be completed via the IAF Client Portal.
Considerations for Evaluation
- Is the applicant aware of the regulatory requirements for the project other than water permits or dam safety authorizations?
- Not all permits need to be in place prior to obtaining a water permit, but all permits must be in place before beginning construction.
- Other types of permits or permissions required to install water infrastructure may include, but are not limited to:
- Permits to cross roads governed by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI), the Ministry of Forests (MoF), or municipal governments.
- Permission to cross utility Right-of-Ways (ROWs).
- Easements or permission to cross private property.
- Permission to join a shared waterworks system.
- BC Hydro permits to run power to pumps.
- Permits/approvals from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO).
- For questions on regulatory requirements, please contact FrontCounter BC.
- What is the severity of water constraint or risk for the watershed that serves as the main supply source for the project?
- Applicants can view this map to determine which watershed serves as the main water supply source for their project, and its priority tier.
- For questions on water supply sources, please contact FrontCounter BC.
- Is the project located in a region or watershed where it is possible to develop additional or alternate water supply sources?
- Assessment of this criteria will include a review of water allocation notations. Water allocation notations provide an indication of the potential lack of water availability on a source and are used to inform statutory decisions on water allocations.
- For more information regarding water allocation notifications and the potential to develop water supply source(s), please refer to the Water Allocation Notations and Registered Water Allocation Notations documents provided by the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship.
- Please contact FrontCounter BC if you have any questions.
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Considerations for Evaluation
- How significantly will the project improve water use efficiency and storage?
- How significantly does the project benefit agricultural production in the area?
- Does the project promote the development or use of a sustainable water supply with long, medium, or short-term solutions?
Considerations for Evaluation
- Does the approach address water issues based on professional standards?
- Is the project plan provided comprehensive, and does it clearly demonstrate the scientific rationale, merits, impacts of the approach to the project, and mitigation measures?
- Is the conclusion reasonable and does it make sense?
- Are the outcomes reasonable based on the approach taken?
Your organization must register through the IAF Client Portal to apply to IAF programs. Please note, if you have not already registered this process can take up to 2 business days and must be completed before the application deadline.
Please provide the status of the permit and any supporting documentation at the time of application. All recipients are required to comply with all necessary laws and regulations.
Applications for funding should be complete at the time of submission (including any required permitting). If any required documentation is not submitted with the application, it will be returned to the applicant requesting missing information.
If permits are pending/under review but the application is otherwise complete, IAF will proceed to consider and adjudicate the application. However, any approval will be conditional until all required documentation is received. Conditional offers/approvals will not receive contracts, be included in funding commitments, or be able to incur expenses and/or begin activities in their application until their project has met the conditions of approval and are subject to funding remaining available in the program.
AWP does not have a list of Qualified professionals. Due to the wide range of professionals that may be applicable to the many different types of projects that are eligible under this program, it’s best to verify with the professional you are working with to confirm whether they are qualified to do the work.
Eligible participants are encouraged to visit professional association websites to search for Qualified Professionals who can provide professional consultative services specific to the needs of the proposed projects. For example, Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC), and British Columbia Institute of Agrologists (BCIA).
Please note: It is the professional ethics and responsibility of Qualified Professionals to make judgements in determining if their area of expertise (or area of practice) is best suited to contribute to the project.
Stakeholder consultation is not required to access AWP funding; however, it may be required by the province as part of water permitting processes where regulatory requirements must be met to be eligible for funding considerations.
Stakeholder consultation is an eligible cost under Stream 3: Activity 1 for water supply assessments or feasibility studies if necessary for the proposed project.
Wells, including new construction and/or upgrades of well infrastructure are ineligible costs under the Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program.
However, testing of wells for water quantity and quality to determine potential use of water for agricultural purposes may be eligible under Stream 3 if it is a component of an eligible project.
Retroactive costs will not be considered. All projects must receive IAF approval before starting activities or incurring any project costs. Project start dates are as of approval, and all projects must be complete by January 15, 2032.
Applicants will be notified through email via the IAF Client Portal upon application submission. Please check your junk or spam folders and save this email to your contacts:
Your application’s status can also be seen within the IAF Client Portal. On the grey side menu locate ‘applications’. Underneath this header is ‘submitted applications’. If you have successfully submitted your application it will appear here.
To be a considered a producer under AWP, the farm or ranch operation must be in British Columbia and have valid “Farm Class” land as designated by the BC Assessment Authority or be a First Nations agricultural operation with designated authority to use the land.
Please note that due to the nature of AWP projects, some water storage/conveyance may take place off-farm.
The participant/organization requesting funding must complete the application, but IAF recognizes sometimes applicants require assistance from third parties. If you are working with a third party, such as a contractor, consultant, neighbour, friend, or others, please contact in advance for guidance specific to your scenario.
IAF provides payments by EFT (direct deposit). To get your EFT information set up to ensure timely delivery of your payment(s), please follow the directions provided here to update your client portal.
For Stream 2, there is no minimum funding limit. Maximum funding will be $1M or $2M and will be confirmed after the Expression of Interest stage and before application stage.
Considering the cost share ratio, this means your total project costs (not including GST, in-kind activities, or any other ineligible items) must equal to or exceed $2M or $4M (TBD). If your total project costs are greater than $2M or $4M, you can still apply but will only be reimbursed to the maximum funding limit, once determined.
The cost-shared ratio is the respective share of (eligible) total project costs contributed by the applicant and the funder. In this case, 50% of the eligible costs would be paid by the applicant with the remaining 50% paid by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (via IAF).
Open the map and navigate to your project location. If the area your project is in is highlighted, select the highlighted area. The side panel will provide the watershed name and the prioritization tier. If your project is located in a non-highlighted area, you would be ‘Tier 4’ and would enter ‘OTHER’ into the application instead of a watershed name.
- Tier 1 is red, and includes watersheds where Temporary Protection Orders have been issued
- Tier 2 is yellow and includes watersheds where Temporary Protection Orders have been contemplated
- Tier 3 is pink and includes watersheds on the regional ‘Stream Watch’ lists
- Tier 4 is for all other watersheds not listed in Tier 1, 2 or 3. Tier 4 watersheds are not highlighted on the map.
Yes, provided that the application is within the funding limits, and meets all other program eligibility requirements.
All improvement districts, including irrigation districts, waterworks districts, and diking districts that provide a combination of irrigation/drainage/diking services to a mix of agricultural and non-agricultural water users are eligible to apply for activities under Stream 2, unless specified as ineligible under the specific activity description.
Improvement districts are ineligible under Stream 2, Activity 9: Improvement or expansion of diking and drainage systems; and have some restrictions under Stream 3, Activity 7: Drainage master plans, dike engineering studies or design plans.
Have a Question?
Contact the IAF Team
Program Guide
Download the Program Guide.
Funding Acknowledgement Requirements
Download the Funding Acknowledgement Requirements.
Have an Active Project?
Please visit the program’s Project Resource Hub for more information.
Funding provided by:
Please note: the Government of BC may, from time to time, give instructions to IAF in relation to the delivery and administration of this program. IAF must and will comply with those instructions.