Creating positive impact on BC’s Tree Fruit Industry.
The Tree Fruit Industry Stabilization Plan funds initiatives with sound business rationale and whole sector benefits based on recommendations of the Tree Fruit Industry Stabilization Plan (The Path Forward).
For the available funding, the Tree Fruit Industry Stabilization Advisory Group is acting as steering committee, and have begun identifying and funding projects with broad sector benefits.
Note: The Tree Fruit Industry Stabilization Plan is not a program open to applications, projects are selected by the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee may develop a sub-program or initiative that accepts applications for specific projects or activities
Funding for Light Reflecting Materials
The NEW Light Reflecting Materials Program provides cost-shared funding for producers to purchase light reflective materials (LRMs) for installation and use in the 2023 growing season. Research and practical demonstrations show that light reflecting materials improve colouring and enhance product quality when apples are harvested at the proper ripeness (e.g. not overripe due to delays in harvest to attain higher colour saturation).
Applicants are eligible to apply for 50% cost-sharing of eligible materials, for a minimum funding reimbursement of $500 to a maximum of $30,000.

Slide the vertical bar on the image above shows difference between apples with NO LRM (first image), and those with LRM (second image)
In 2018, the BC. Government provided a grant of $5 million to IAF to create the Tree Fruit Competitiveness Fund (TFCF). TFCF was designed to support marketing, infrastructure, and research to support a competitive tree fruit sector in BC over four years. The program was jointly delivered with the BC Fruit Growers Association, who decided to step away from their role delivering the program in 2021.
Following a 2021 review of the TFCF, the Government of BC requested the program be put on-hold to ensure it best meets the needs of the BC Tree Fruit Industry. The resulting study, The Path Forward: A Blueprint for B.C.’s Tree Fruit Industry provided a series of recommendations that IAF adopted to develop the current Tree Fruit Stabilization Plan.
The Tree Fruit Industry Stabilization Advisory Group have unanimously endorsed the Plan and confirmed implementation would have a significant positive impact on B.C.’s tree fruit industry.
Under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Advisory Group has expanded to include more industry representation to serve as an interim steering committee until a new organization, as recommended in the Plan, is established.
The Steering Committee has been tasked with creation of a framework to prioritize recommendations in the Plan and to establish sub committees to carry out projects for implementation of the Plan. The Tree Fruit Industry Stabilization Plan is not a program open to applications.
In Spring 2023, the Government of British Columbia through the Ministry of Agriculture & Food provided an additional $925,000 investment to the Tree Fruit Stabilization Plan to support the creation of a tree fruit market development strategy.
All contracted TFCF projects that are currently underway will continue as contracted.

Funding provided by:

Please note: the Government of BC may, from time to time, give instructions to IAF in relation to the delivery and administration of this program. IAF must and will comply with those instructions.