Selection: Water

Do I need a water license?

2024-04-10T12:09:26-07:00April 10, 2024|, |

A water license needs to be determined by the applicant; visit to determine if you require one.

I just applied for a Planning, Technical Assessments, and Engineered Designs for an Engineering or technical design/assessment—water and riparian (1102), Irrigation System Assessment (2901), or Water Management Plan (2902). Will I be able to apply for the April 2024 BMP: Water Infrastructure intake for BMPs that require these plans as prerequisites?

2024-04-04T14:48:07-07:00April 4, 2024|, |

It's unlikely that the recently applied-for BMP: P&D project will be approved and completed prior to the BMP Water Infrastructure in April 2024. You will, [...]

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