What counts as proof of water license?
If you are in an irrigation district an email from the Water Authority or a water bill would be accepted as proof of license. Copies [...]
If you are in an irrigation district an email from the Water Authority or a water bill would be accepted as proof of license. Copies [...]
Before you apply to the BMP program, you will first need to complete an Environmental Farm Plan (EFP). Once your EFP has been completed you are [...]
To apply for a water license, please visit https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/water/water-licensing-rights/water-licences-approvals/apply-for-a-water-licence\
A water license needs to be determined by the applicant; visit https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/water/water-licensing-rights/water-licences-approvals to determine if you require one.
If you submitted a BMP Plans and Designs application or plan to submit one before the BMP Water Infrastructure deadline, please note that it may [...]
If this is for 1804, it’s about the irrigation system, and fencing isn't part of the irrigation equipment. 0903 (dams) and 0904 (dugouts) include fencing [...]
If the infrastructure is included in the water license and there is a technical design with the application then the reservoir would qualify
Yes, as sap sensors are another monitor that can aid in irrigation scheduling
Solar for pumping of water in dugouts is fine even if not for livestock.
If the pump is included in the irrigation system design by the CID, then it would be eligible for funding.
A Certified Irrigation Designer (CID) (aka an IIABC-certified person) would have to do the plan/assessment, and they cannot stamp work that is done by non-CID.
It's unlikely that the recently applied-for BMP: P&D project will be approved and completed prior to the BMP Water Infrastructure in April 2024. You will, [...]