The Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture Program is designed to
increase BC’s food security through environmental conservation
and improved resiliency for select extreme weather events.
The Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture Program invites commercial Agriculture and Aquaculture primary producers in BC to apply for cost-share funding to increase the resiliency of their existing farming infrastructure for extreme weather events.
The Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture (EWP) Program is an investment program funded by federal, provincial, and territorial governments through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP), with $2 million available in 2024/25 to help producers increase on-farm resiliency for select extreme weather events.
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Program Goal
To increase the resilience of BC agriculture operations by providing cost-share reimbursements to farm or agriculture businesses to address risks related to wildfire, flooding, and extreme heat.
Program Objective
- To reduce farmers’ direct costs for infrastructure required after extreme weather events (flood, wildfire, heat wave)
- Increased preparedness of the sector to anticipate, respond to and recover from climate change and extreme weather events.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Activities
Ineligible Activities
Application Process
Applicants can apply through the IAF Client Portal. The application process will generally consist of:
IAF staff are available to answer questions regarding eligible activities, costs and/or the application process. IAF may also contact applicants for additional information or clarification to assess or strengthen their application. Applicants can contact with any questions about the program or to receive support in developing their application.
Applicants are encouraged to include only activities they are confident will be completed on time and within budget limits.
Demographic Information
As this program is funded under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, you are required to provide additional demographic information. The demographic information is collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and must be done prior to submitting your application. To provide your demographic information:
- Start drafting your application in the IAF Client Portal.
- Copy your application ID (it will be provided to you at the Demographic data section of the application, or see the top of your application form). You will need to put this ID into the Ministry’s form.
- Visit the Ministry’s webpage through the link on the application and complete the form. (Note: this will open a new browser tab).
- Once the form is complete, copy the Ministry’s confirmation number and enter it in the application form. It should look something like this AB123456
Note: Demographic information will not be used to assess eligibility for the program.
Review and Adjudication
Upon submission of an application, all EWP applications will be reviewed first-come, first-served. Project applications are screened and reviewed by IAF Staff. This review involves:
- Ensuring application completeness.
- Organization/Applicant eligibility check.
- Project alignment and eligibility check.
IAF will return incomplete applications to applicants via the IAF Client Portal for resubmission with missing information/clarifications requested. Applications will be considered until all available funding is committed. In the case of Innovation Projects, funding applications will be reviewed by IAF and may be reviewed by a third-party technical expert to determine eligibility. All decisions regarding application status are final. All applicants will receive a funding decision email from IAF. IAF will complete adjudication within 8 weeks after submission of a complete application, followed by decision emails to applicants. All adjudication decisions are final.
Notifications & Obligations
Funding Notifications & Contracts
If the project is approved, IAF will inform the applicant of the details of the decision and any associated terms and conditions by email within eight weeks of submission of a complete application.
Funding is application and project-specific and must be used for the approved project and related expenses. Funds are non-transferable.
Retroactive costs will not be considered.
Projects funded in 2024/25 may begin on or after April 1, 2024. If the project is not approved, the applicant will receive a written response from IAF.
Changes to Contracted Projects
If you cannot complete your project or require a change, please inform the IAF Team as soon as possible using the IAF Client Portal.
Funding Acknowledgement
This program is funded by the Governments of Canada and British Columbia through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. As such, acknowledgement of funding is required when publicly communicating about a project and/or funding. To ensure appropriate acknowledgement, all communications and marketing materials, including public announcements or social media posts, must be pre-approved by the IAF Communications Team. Details on correctly acknowledging funding can be found on the project resource hub. Materials can be submitted via the IAF Client Portal.
Reporting Requirements
Successful applicants must complete a final report prior to receiving funds from the program. This report must be filled out and submitted to IAF along with all invoices for the project to be considered for funding reimbursement. It is important that the final report is submitted on time and with all required information. Expenses will be reimbursed based on the submitted receipts, the approved project budget, and the corresponding cost-share ratio. All reporting will be completed via the IAF Client Portal.
Project Eligibility Details
Code | Description | Activities | Requirements |
3601 | Farm & Ranch FireSmart™ Assessment | Farm & Ranch FireSmart™ Assessment completed by a pre-approved Local FireSmartTM Representative (LFR) or Wildfire Mitigation Specialist (WMS)
Additional resources:
3602 | FireSmart™ Farm Building Retrofits Project | Note: You are only eligible for funding for items that are specifically recommended in your operation’s Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment (or a valid FireSmart Critical Infrastructure Assessment).
Roof material and construction:
Roof covering:
Gutter material:
Cleanliness of roof and gutters:
Eaves and vents:
Exterior siding & walls:
Fire-resistant windows or doors (including large doors/garage doors):
Balcony, deck, porch, other building extensions or open foundation:
Non-combustible fencing material
Ineligible Items
Additional Resources |
Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment, completed by a pre-approved FireSmart Professional |
3603 | FireSmart™ Critical Farm Structures Project | Note: You are only eligible for funding for items that are specifically recommended in your operation’s Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment (or a valid FireSmart Critical Infrastructure Assessment).
Valve station/substation/ propane tanks:
Utility line poles or critical components (weather stations, antennae masts, cellular towers):
Critical component:
Ineligible Items
Additional Resources
Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment,, completed by a pre-approved FireSmart Professional |
3604 | Addressing Vegetation & Combustible Materials | Note: You are only eligible for funding for items that are specifically recommended in your operation’s Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment (or a valid FireSmart Critical Infrastructure Assessment).
Immediate Zone (0-1.5 m):
Intermediate Zone (within 1.5-10 m of building or critical structures):
Extended Zone (within 10-30 m of buildings or critical structures):
Ineligible Items
Additional Resources
Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment, completed by a pre-approved FireSmart Professional |
3605 | FireSmart Critical Farm Structures Sprinkler Protection Project | Note: You are only eligible for funding for items that are specifically recommended in your operation’s Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment (or a valid FireSmart Critical Infrastructure Assessment).
Sprinkler systems:
Equipment and fittings to connect to sprinkler system to a licensed existing water source:
Reliable water delivery:
Ineligible Items
Additional Resources
Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment, completed by a pre-approved FireSmart Professional |
Code | Description | Activities | Requirements |
3704.1 | Planning & Design of Fill Pad for Farm Buildings |
Ineligible Items
Additional Resources |
Declaration of pre-existing farm structure |
3704.2 | Fill Pad for Farm Buildings |
Ineligible Items
Additional Resources |
Successful completion of activities outlined in 3704.1 are pre-requisites for applying for 3704.2 which include: • Stamped fill design plans • Approval from ALC or confirmation that the project fits criteria outlined in ALC Information Bulletin 07 • Any other permits or authorizations as appropriate |
3703 | Flood Resilient Storage for Farm Inputs |
Ineligible Items
Additional Resources |
Declaration of pre-existing on-farm product storage facility |
3705 | Flood Resilient Feed Storage |
Ineligible Items
Declaration of pre-existing feeding system |
3706 | Flood Resilient Apiary Overwintering & Equipment Storage |
Ineligible Items
Declaration of pre-existing beekeeping system |
Code | Description | Activities | Requirements |
3801 | Improved Barn and Indoor Aquaculture Cooling Systems | Infrastructure improvements to existing intensive livestock structures to improve animal, poultry, or aquaculture cooling including:
Ineligible Items
Additional Resources
3802 | Extreme Heat Protection for Horticultural Crops |
Additional Resources |
3803.1 | Extreme Heat Protection for Outdoor Livestock (Shade Trees) |
Ineligible Items
Additional Resources |
Declaration of existing commercial livestock normally held outdoors in confined area |
3803.2 | Extreme Heat Protection for Outdoor Livestock (Infrastructure) | Infrastructure improvements to existing outdoor confined livestock areas including:
Ineligible Items
3804 | Enhanced Livestock Watering to Mitigate Heat Stress | Installation of additional watering infrastructure including:
Ineligible Items
Additional Resources |
3805 | Cooling Systems for Outdoor Aquaculture Operations | Infrastructure improvements to existing, licensed aquaculture facilities that have a demonstrated need for supplemental cooling during heat domes including:
Enhanced environmental monitoring equipment and/or control sensors/systems for existing, licensed marine-based aquaculture facilities that are vulnerable to marine heat waves.
Ineligible Items
Innovation projects require a greater amount of upfront information from interested applicants, and additional project development work between the applicant and the Program team should be anticipated. Please provide as such detail as possible, including relevant quotes and other supporting materials at the time of application.
To initiate the process, submit your application online via the IAF Client Portal.
Standards that must be met for a project to be considered for funding:
- Must address a demonstrated need related to impacts from extreme weather (wildfire preparedness, flood preparedness, or extreme heat)
- Must not be already commonplace activity or technology in the farm or agriculture business for which it is proposed
- Must not be affected by any Regulations/authorization processes
- Must not be covered by other government programming
The eligible and ineligible items, and additional requirements (if any) are “To Be Determined” based on the information supplied in the Application. Funding applications will be reviewed by IAF and may be reviewed by a third-party technical expert to determine eligibility.
Funding for this program has been provided by the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a $3.5-billion, 5-year agreement between the federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector.