Extreme Weather Preparedness

Extreme Weather Preparedness2024-08-07T15:12:53-07:00

The Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture Program is designed to
increase BC’s food security through environmental conservation
and improved resiliency for select extreme weather events.

The Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture Program invites commercial Agriculture and Aquaculture primary producers in BC to apply for cost-share funding to increase the resiliency of their existing farming infrastructure for extreme weather events.

The Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture (EWP) Program is an investment program funded by federal, provincial, and territorial governments through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP), with $2 million available in 2024/25 to help producers increase on-farm resiliency for select extreme weather events.

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* indicates required
Area of Interest:

Program Goal

To increase the resilience of BC agriculture operations by providing cost-share reimbursements to farm or agriculture businesses to address risks related to wildfire, flooding, and extreme heat.

Program Objective

  • To reduce farmers’ direct costs for infrastructure required after extreme weather events (flood, wildfire, heat wave)
  • Increased preparedness of the sector to anticipate, respond to and recover from climate change and extreme weather events.


Program Structure

IAF will deliver program funding through four funding streams:

  • Wildfire Preparedness
  • Flood Preparedness
  • Extreme Heat Preparedness
  • Innovation Projects

Upon submission of an application, all EWP applications will be reviewed first-come, first-served. Project applications are screened and reviewed by IAF. This review involves:

  • Ensuring application completeness.
  • Organization/Applicant eligibility check.
  • Project alignment and eligibility check.

Applications will be considered until all available funding is committed. All decisions regarding application status are final. All applicants will receive a funding decision email from IAF. IAF will complete adjudication 8 weeks after the application submission or resubmission date, followed by decision emails to applicants. In the case of Innovation Projects, funding applications will be reviewed by IAF and may be reviewed by a third-party technical expert to determine eligibility. All adjudication decisions are final.

Eligible Activities Categories Cost-Share Ratio Funding Limits
Wildfire Preparedness

Note: Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment 100% cost-shared, activity cap of $2,000

40% $50,000
Flood Preparedness 40% $50,000
Extreme Heat Preparedness 40% $50,000
Innovation Projects 40% $50,000

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible for the program, farmers must:

  1. Be a primary production agriculture business whose primary purpose is the production and sale of agricultural products and must be a BC registered business entity (including sole proprietor, partnership, corporations, cooperatives, Indigenous economic development corporations, and band-owned businesses). Applicants to the program must have farm status and, if involved in raising livestock, a premises ID.
  2. Be a taxable entity (e.g., individual, corporation or trust), limited partnership, commune, cooperative with a GST and business number, or First Nation Band, and
  3. Have their main farmstead in British Columbia and file farm income tax (form T2042 or T1273) under the Income Tax Act in British Columbia.*

* Licensed Aquaculture producers, and Federally licensed Cannabis or Hemp Producers are exempt from having to meet criteria #3. However, Aquaculture operations will have to provide their valid aquaculture license number, while Cannabis or Hemp producers must provide proof of either their standard-cultivators, micro-cultivators, or industrial hemp license as issued by Health Canada under the Cannabis Act or Industrial Hemp Regulations. The personal production of medicinal cannabis is not eligible for this program.

Ineligible Applicants

  • Landowners not registered as a BC entity
  • Hobby farms/farms without Farm Status
  • Silviculture farms/nurseries

Farm and Ranch FireSmart Assessment

Formerly known as FireSmart Farm and Ranch Critical Infrastructure Assessment (CIA)

What is a Farm and Ranch FireSmart Assessment?
The Farm and Ranch FireSmart Assessment is a process that is intended for assessing vulnerabilities of barns, buildings, and structures that are primarily for farm use.

How does it work?
A trained and pre-approved FireSmart approved Farm and Ranch assessor will come to the farm/ranch property to conduct the assessment.
The assessment is based on current FireSmart accepted practices. The following areas are assessed for each critical building and structure:

  • Building
  • Critical farm structures (utility poles, valve stations, propane tanks, etc.)
  • Non-combustible zone (0-1.5m from building)
  • Zone 1 (1.5-10m from building)
  • Zone 2 (10-30m from building)

The Farm and Ranch assessor will email a copy of the completed report to the producer.

Eligible Activities

Wildfire Preparedness

  • Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment
  • Farm building retrofits*
  • Critical farm structure upgrades*
  • Addressing vegetation & combustible materials*
  • Farm structures sprinkler protection project*

*Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment required for practice codes 3601 to 3605. Applicants who have completed a Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment/FireSmart Farm & Ranch Critical Infrastructure Assessment within the last five years can directly apply for Projects.

Flood Preparedness

  • Planning & design of fill pad for farm buildings
  • Fill pads for farm buildings
  • Flood-resilient storage for farm inputs
  • Flood-resilient feed storage
  • Flood-resilient Apiary Overwintering & Equipment Storage

Extreme Heat Preparedness

  • Improved barn and indoor aquaculture cooling systems
  • Extreme heat protection for horticulture crops
  • Extreme heat protection for outdoor livestock- shade trees
  • Extreme heat protection for outdoor livestock and seafood farms – infrastructure
  • Enhanced livestock watering to mitigate heat stress
  • Cooling systems for outdoor aquaculture operations

Innovation Projects

If your farm or ranch would benefit from a different preparedness activity or technology, not listed above, and can demonstrate how it addresses a need directly related to preparation/mitigation of the impacts of extreme weather events (flood, wildfire, extreme heat), we encourage you to apply to the innovation stream of funding.  

Approved applicants will receive 40% cost-share reimbursements for select on-farm Projects up to a maximum of $50,000. 

Standards that must be met for a project to be considered for funding: 

  • Must address a demonstrated need related to impacts from extreme weather (wildfire preparedness, flood preparedness, or extreme heat) 
  • Must not be already commonplace activity or technology in the farm or agriculture business for which it is proposed 
  • Must not be affected by any Regulations/authorization processes  
  • Must not be covered by other government programming 

Ineligible Activities

In addition to the ineligible items detailed in Eligibility Details, the following expenses are ineligible for reimbursement under the Program:

  • GST
  • In-kind costs
  • Expenses incurred prior to project approval (no retroactive approval permitted) or after the
    project completion date
  • Purchase of typical farm equipment and related accessories or attachments (including
    tractors, skid steers and trailers)
  • Costs of ongoing activities
  • Maintenance or repair costs unless specified as being eligible in the Appendices
  • Building of new infrastructure where there was none in place and operating prior to the
    extreme weather event in that area
  • Upgrades to farm buildings that were built during or after 2020 (with one notable exception:
    farm buildings that were destroyed by fire or flood where insurance will not cover the
    upgrade to an equivalent level of resiliency as the projects in this program)
  • Financing charges, loan interest payments, bank fees and charges
  • Maintenance or extended warranties on equipment, electronics, or technology purchases

Stacking of Government Funding

Program policy sets a percentage maximum amount of government funds which can be used towards the total project costs. For the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, this has been set at the total eligible costs of the EWP Project. The Program shall have the authority to deny an application if there is evidence of misrepresentation of pertinent information.

Arm’s Length Transactions

All businesses from which claimed goods or services are purchased must be at arm’s length from the applicant, meaning not related to the applicant, not affiliated with the applicant, or controlled in any way by individuals who are connected by a blood relationship, marriage, common-law partnership, or adoption.


Important Dates

Applications will be accepted through the IAF Client Portal starting on January 23, 2024, on an ongoing basis until funds are fully committed*.

Due to incredible demand, applications for the Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture (EWP) Program closed on Monday, March 11, 2024, at 4:30 PM.

Upon submission, all applications will be reviewed first-come, first-serve. Project applications are screened and reviewed by IAF. This review involves:

  • Ensuring application completeness.
  • Organization/Applicant eligibility check.
  • Project alignment and eligibility check.

Applications will be accepted on the set open date until funding is fully committed*. IAF will complete adjudication and notification of funding within eight weeks of the application submission or resubmission date. In the case of Innovation Projects, funding applications will be reviewed by IAF and may be reviewed by a third-party technical expert to determine eligibility.

Project Start Date: April 1, 2024.

All projects must be completed by or before March 14, 2025.


Application Process

Applicants can apply through the IAF Client Portal. The application process will generally consist of:

REMINDER: Do not wait to start this process – it can take up to two business days to validate your organization!

Create a personal profile (name and email)

Provide organization information, including:

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • Type of organization
  • BC ID / CRA numbers
  • Primary contact
  • And more

IAF will validate your account, then you will receive an email granting you access to the portal. Please note this can take up to two business days.

Select the Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture Program from Funding Opportunities and provide:

  • Upload copies of relevant documents (e.g., quotes, FireSmartTM assessments, maps)
  • Farm Address
  • Property roll number(s)
  • Risk Description
  • Indicate stage of extreme weather preparedness
  • Project start & end dates
  • Select categories, project activities and provide estimated total cost

Your application(s) must include verification that you have had discussions with a consultant to determine an appropriate course of action. For example, fill pads require authorizations/ notifications with other agencies; these projects require a two-step process, with the planning & design stage completed before you are eligible to apply for actual on-farm works.

All EWP applications must meet all technical, environmental, permitting, and regulatory standards and/or requirements, as applicable.   

IAF staff are available to answer questions regarding eligible activities, costs and/or the application process. IAF may also contact applicants for additional information or clarification to assess or strengthen their application. Applicants can contact ewp@iafbc.ca with any questions about the program or to receive support in developing their application.

Applicants are encouraged to include only activities they are confident will be completed on time and within budget limits.

Need help with IAF’s Client Portal?

We’ve created a number of tutorials and FAQs about the IAF Client Portal to help you navigate this resource successfully.

Demographic Information

As this program is funded under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, you are required to provide additional demographic information. The demographic information is collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and must be done prior to submitting your application. To provide your demographic information:

  • Start drafting your application in the IAF Client Portal.
  • Copy your application ID (it will be provided to you at the Demographic data section of the application, or see the top of your application form). You will need to put this ID into the Ministry’s form.
  • Visit the Ministry’s webpage through the link on the application and complete the form. (Note: this will open a new browser tab).
  • Once the form is complete, copy the Ministry’s confirmation number and enter it in the application form. It should look something like this AB123456

Note: Demographic information will not be used to assess eligibility for the program.

Review and Adjudication

Upon submission of an application, all EWP applications will be reviewed first-come, first-served. Project applications are screened and reviewed by IAF Staff. This review involves:

  • Ensuring application completeness.
  • Organization/Applicant eligibility check.
  • Project alignment and eligibility check.

IAF will return incomplete applications to applicants via the IAF Client Portal for resubmission with missing information/clarifications requested. Applications will be considered until all available funding is committed. In the case of Innovation Projects, funding applications will be reviewed by IAF and may be reviewed by a third-party technical expert to determine eligibility. All decisions regarding application status are final. All applicants will receive a funding decision email from IAF. IAF will complete adjudication within 8 weeks after submission of a complete application, followed by decision emails to applicants. All adjudication decisions are final.

Notifications & Obligations

Funding Notifications & Contracts

If the project is approved, IAF will inform the applicant of the details of the decision and any associated terms and conditions by email within eight weeks of submission of a complete application.

Funding is application and project-specific and must be used for the approved project and related expenses. Funds are non-transferable.

Retroactive costs will not be considered.

Projects funded in 2024/25 may begin on or after April 1, 2024. If the project is not approved, the applicant will receive a written response from IAF.

Changes to Contracted Projects

If you cannot complete your project or require a change, please inform the IAF Team as soon as possible using the IAF Client Portal.

Funding Acknowledgement

This program is funded by the Governments of Canada and British Columbia through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. As such, acknowledgement of funding is required when publicly communicating about a project and/or funding. To ensure appropriate acknowledgement, all communications and marketing materials, including public announcements or social media posts, must be pre-approved by the IAF Communications Team. Details on correctly acknowledging funding can be found on the project resource hub. Materials can be submitted via the IAF Client Portal.

Reporting Requirements

Successful applicants must complete a final report prior to receiving funds from the program. This report must be filled out and submitted to IAF along with all invoices for the project to be considered for funding reimbursement. It is important that the final report is submitted on time and with all required information. Expenses will be reimbursed based on the submitted receipts, the approved project budget, and the corresponding cost-share ratio. All reporting will be completed via the IAF Client Portal.

Project Eligibility Details


Due to incredible demand, applications for the Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture (EWP) Program will be closing at 4:30pm on Monday, March 11, 2024. Applications may reopen in 2024/25 depending on available program funds.



Are Aquaculture producers able to apply to this program?2024-01-16T13:59:15-08:00

Yes, Licensed Aquaculture producers are able to apply to this program and must provide their valid aquaculture license number. 

Are cannabis and hemp producers able to apply to this program?2024-01-16T13:59:45-08:00

Yes, Federally licensed Cannabis or Hemp Producers are able to apply to this program and must provide proof of either their standard-cultivators, micro- cultivators, or industrial hemp license as issued by Health Canada under the Cannabis Act or Industrial Hemp Regulations. The personal production of medicinal cannabis is not eligible for this program. 

Are preparedness activities related to all extreme weather events (e.g. drought, frost/cold, hail, wind) eligible for financial assistance through this program?2024-01-31T09:36:19-08:00

No, only extreme weather preparedness costs related to wildfire, flood or extreme heat preparedness are eligible for EWP funding. Preparation for any other extreme weather conditions (e.g. drought, frost/cold, hail, wind) would not be eligible through this program.

Are preparedness activities related to drought or agricultural water infrastructure eligible for funding through this program?2024-01-31T09:37:04-08:00

No, drought preparedness and agricultural water infrastructure costs are not eligible for EWP program funding. For financial assistance for drought preparedness, see the Beneficial Management Practices Program.

Can I apply for a Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment and Wildfire Preparedness projects in the same application?2024-01-19T13:29:27-08:00

No, the Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment must be applied for and completed prior to applying for other Wildfire Preparedness projects.

Do I have to complete the SCAP Demographic Data form again if I’ve applied for one or more SCAP programs/projects?2024-02-27T08:56:31-08:00

No, provided the last time you completed the form was in the same fiscal year, you can input the confirmation number provided by the Ministry into another application form.

If you last completed the form a year or more ago, please complete a new Demographic Data Collection Survey for IAF Applicants.

Do I need to have a valid Environmental Farm Plan to apply to this program?2024-01-16T13:58:46-08:00

No, an EFP is not required to apply to this program.

Do I need to have Farm Status to apply to this program?2024-01-16T13:58:16-08:00

Yes, applicants to this program must have Farm Status.

How does a Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment work?2024-01-19T13:28:47-08:00

A trained and pre-approved FireSmart approved Farm and Ranch assessor will come to the farm/ranch property to conduct the assessment.

The assessment is based on current FireSmart accepted practices. The following areas are assessed for each critical building and structure:

  • Building
  • Critical farm structures (utility poles, valve stations, propane tanks, etc)
  • Non-combustible zone (0-1.5m from building)
  • Zone 1 (1.5-10m from building)
  • Zone 2 (10-30m from building)

The Farm and Ranch assessor will email a copy of the completed report to the producer.

How long are Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessments valid for? Do they expire?2024-01-19T13:30:35-08:00

Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessments are valid for five years.  

I have already completed a Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment. Can I apply directly for project funding?2024-01-19T13:31:21-08:00

Yes, you can apply directly to the Wildfire Preparedness category if you have completed a Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment within the last 5 years. 

What is a Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment?2024-01-19T13:33:34-08:00

The Farm and Ranch FireSmart Assessment is a process that is intended for assessing vulnerabilities of barns, buildings, and structures that are primarily for farm use.

What is the difference between a Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessment and a FireSmart Farm & Ranch Critical Infrastructure Assessment?2024-01-19T13:32:33-08:00

There is no difference, one is just an updated name. The Farm and Ranch FireSmart Assessment (formerly known as FireSmart Farm and Ranch Critical Infrastructure Assessment) is a process that is intended for assessing vulnerabilities of barns, buildings, and structures that are primarily for farm use.

EWP Program Guide

Download the Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture (EWP) Program Guide.

FireSmart BC Farm & Ranch Wildfire Preparedness

Learn more about farm and ranch wildfire preparedness on FireSmart BC’s webpage.

Local FireSmart Representatives & Wildfire Mitigation Specialists

See a full list of pre-approved Local FireSmart Representatives (LFR) or Wildfire Mitigation Specialists (WMS)

2023 EWP Participants

If you have an approved project in the 2023 EWP program, please visit the BC government webpage for reimbursement or for program questions.

Have an Active Project?

Please visit the program’s Project Resource Hub for more information.

Have a question?

We’re here to help! Send us an email.

S-CAP Logo, IAF Logo, Province of BC Logo, Government of Canada Logo

Funding for this program has been provided by the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a $3.5-billion, 5-year agreement between the federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agrifood and agribased products sector. 

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