IAF delivers two programs that focus on Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs). Read below for program details.

Beneficial Management Practices Program

The BMP program is a complementary, on-farm cost-shared incentive program to assist farm and ranch operations to mitigate some of the risks identified in the farm-specific Environmental Farm Plans (EFPs). The goal of the BMP program is to increase the adoption of technology and practices to mitigate high-risk activities or emerging challenges.

To be eligible for BMP funding under this program, you must have a current Environmental Farm Plan.

BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund

The BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund (BCCAF) provides cost-shared funding to eligible producers, supports the training of certified crop advisors and agrologists, and information sharing throughout the agricultural community. The objective of BCCAF is to support farmers in adopting BMPs that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases, specifically in the areas of:

  • Nitrogen Management
  • Cover Cropping
  • Rotational Grazing

These practices also provide other environmental benefits, such as improved biodiversity and soil health. Other activities to support the adoption of beneficial management practices, such as outreach, education and training, are also supported.

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