The Beneficial Management Practices (BMP) category Water Infrastructure provides funding for activities such as improved irrigation system management and irrigation scheduling (1802), irrigation systems – new and existing (1804), water meters, backflow prevention devices, or other flow-measuring devices (1808), and dugouts – new and existing (0904).
To learn more about the BMP program, other BMP categories, program eligibility criteria, and/or notifications & obligations, please visit the BMP page.
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Category Details
Cost Shared Ratio: 75%
Maximum total funding amount for all projects undertaken in the Water Infrastructure category: Up to $200K. This increase in funding cap is supported by the Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program.
Applications Open: January 14, 2025 | Submissions Open: February 10, 2025, at 9 AM | Applications Close: February 21, 2025, at 4 PM
Project Completion Date: + 140 days from Project Approval/Start Date
Activity Details:
Existing wells that are deemed at risk from contamination during the farm’s initial Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) assessment. Work must be completed in accordance with the Water Sustainability Act and Groundwater Protection Regulation. Work must be completed by appropriately qualified and registered persons (see sections 14-17 of the Groundwater Protection Regulation)
Required documents:
- Photo evidence of before and after conditions must be provided with application and project reporting
- Proof of water licence[1] for the proposed use (e.g., irrigation) of the water source (i.e., aquifer) must be provided
- Project budget, project quotes, and map (showing well location on property)
Eligible costs:
- Earthwork at well-head or runoff diversion
- Installation of pit-less adaptor
- Upgrading or maintenance of well head or well casing, fittings, seals, waterproof caps and connections to prevent seepage
- Installation of backflow prevention devices
- Flow control for artesian wells and backflow prevention
- Casing extensions to elevate wellhead
- Raising of electrical components above 1:200-year flood levels
Ineligible costs:
- New well construction
[1] Proof that an Existing Use Groundwater licence application has been submitted for historical groundwater use (i.e., use that occurred prior to February 29, 2016, and application submitted by March 1, 2022) is also acceptable.
New construction, rehabilitation or upgrade of existing agricultural (regulated and unregulated[1]) dams and reservoirs[2] for farm water use.
Required documents:
- Photo evidence of before and after conditions must be provided with application and project reporting.
- Plans, Technical Assessments and Engineered Design prerequisite code 1102 – Engineering or technical design or assessment – water/riparian
- Proof of water licence[3] for the proposed storage and use (e.g., irrigation) of the water source (i.e., aquifer, stream) must be provided prior to construction and water use and verified by the qualified professional completing the technical design
- Authorization of the proposed work from the Dam Safety Program staff
- B.C. Dam Safety Regulation must be followed (may be exempt for minor/unregulated1 dams).
- If applicable, approval to make changes in and about a stream
- If applicable, easement
Eligible costs:
- Construction, materials, machinery/equipment (gates, valves, etc.) and other costs associated with the construction.
- Pumping systems and watering troughs to keep livestock out of the existing reservoir are recommended and are eligible costs, provided the reservoir is deemed to provide a secure source in periods of extended drought. Fencing, if installed along with a pumping system, is recommended and an eligible cost to keep cattle out of the reservoir. These systems will protect the water quality (stream health) and livestock and sustain the supply.
- Other professional services associated with the project supervision
Ineligible costs:
- Water used for non-agricultural purposes
- Used materials
- Water distribution system
- Assessments and technical plans (these can be funded via the Planning, Technical Assessments, and Engineered Designs category)
[1] Dams exempt from the B.C. Dam Safety Regulation are generally defined as less than 7.5 metres high and capable of storing 10,000 cubic metres or less of water. Please refer to the Dam Safety Technical Resources or contact the Dam Safety Program staff for technical advice on dams and reservoirs.
[2] Reservoirs in this category refer to those filled using a water source other than harvested rainwater (i.e., stream, groundwater, overland flow).
[3] Proof that an Existing Use Groundwater licence application has been submitted for historical groundwater use (i.e., use that occurred prior to February 29, 2016, and application submitted by March 1, 2022) is also acceptable.
Improvement, expansion or new construction of dugouts and storage facilities for irrigation water and livestock watering, including rangeland.
Required documents:
- Photo evidence of before and after conditions must be provided with application and project reporting.
- Plans, Technical Assessments and Engineered Design prerequisite code 2902 – Water management plan
- Plans, Technical Assessments and Engineered Design prerequisite code 1102 – Engineering or technical design or assessment – water/riparian OR a completed Dugout Planning Checklist
- If the dugout is regulated under the Dam Safety Regulation you must submit an 1102 – Engineering or technical design or assessment – water/riparian
- If the dugout is not regulated under the Dam Safety Regulation you are able to choose to submit either an 1102 – Engineering or technical design or assessment OR a completed Dugout Planning checklist (including all required attachments identified therein) to fulfill the prerequisite.
- Note: A technical design may still be required by the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS) to support a water licence application for dugout water storage purposes. The Dugout Planning Checklist does not replace any technical designs required by WLRS.
- For further information on determining which document to include please refer to:
- Proof of water licence[1] for the proposed storage and/or use (e.g., irrigation) of the water source (i.e., aquifer, stream) must be provided prior to construction and water use, as applicable. A record of confirmation from FCBC or WLRS that a licence is not required for the dugout must be provided, if that is the case.
- To determine if a licence is required for a dugout, please refer to the Authorization Requirements for Storage and Use of Water in Dugouts.
Eligible costs:
- Construction, materials, liner, pump, intake, machinery/equipment (e.g., gates, valves, etc.) and associated fittings and controls
- Power supply to the farm property line as required
- Solar or wind power supply for remote livestock watering or irrigation systems
- Planting of trees and snow fencing to facilitate snow collection and melt
- Dugout aeration systems (wind or electric compressors)
- Pumping systems and watering troughs to keep livestock out of the existing dugout are recommended and are eligible costs, provided the dugout is deemed to provide a secure source in periods of extended drought. Fencing if installed along with a pumping system is recommended and eligible cost to keep cattle out of the dugout. These systems will protect the water quality (stream health) and livestock and sustain the supply.
- Other professional services associated with the project supervision
Ineligible costs:
- Water used for non-agricultural purposes
- Water distribution system
- Used materials
- Dugouts with design specifications that are legally considered as dams according to the B.C. Dam Safety Regulation (DSR)
Resources: Dugout Planning Checklist, Dugout Calculator, BC Agriculture Water Calculator, Guidance on Farm Water Storage, British Columbia Farm Water Dugouts, Authorization Requirement for Storage and Use of Water In Dugouts, and Dam Safety Program Staff
[1] Proof that an Existing Use Groundwater licence application has been submitted for historical groundwater use (i.e., use that occurred prior to February 29, 2016, and application submitted by March 1, 2022) is also acceptable.
Capture system for the collection of rainwater or snowmelt water for farm water use. Can fund the installation of a new system or the rehabilitation /upgrade of an existing system.
Required documents:
- Photo evidence of before and after conditions must be provided with claim.
- If the system includes the use of licensable water (e.g., surface water or groundwater), proof of a water licence[1] as approved by the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS) for the proposed storage and/or use (e.g., irrigation) of the water source (i.e., aquifer, stream) must be provided prior to construction and water use
- A water licence is not required for storage and use of harvested water alone.
Eligible costs:
- Machinery cost
- Above-ground and below-ground storage structures (excluding dugouts, ponds, and reservoirs funded under other categories)
- Construction materials, including foundation pad, tanks, pump, collection pipes, filters, liners, valves, and plumbing to the point of final distribution
Ineligible costs:
- Water used for domestic commercial or industrial use
- Used equipment
- Any portion of the system used to collect wastewater or reclaimed water from the water treatment system
- Water distribution system
[1] Proof that an Existing Use Groundwater licence application has been submitted for historical groundwater use (i.e., use that occurred prior to February 29, 2016, and application submitted by March 1, 2022) is also acceptable.
Can fund the installation of a new system or an improvement to an existing system.
Required documents:
- Except for weather stations not combined with an automation of an irrigation system
Eligible costs:
- Controllers, electric valves and low voltage wiring to valves when identified as part of an improved irrigation system management project.
- Irrigation scheduling equipment such as soil moisture sensors and moisture meters when combined with an automation of an irrigation system.
- Purchase costs of equipment and labour to install systems or improvement to systems.
- Weather station with a data transmission unit using cellular, internet or satellite. Station must be connected to a website or web network as approved by BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The stations must be located in an area of the farm that is not directly impacted by farm operations (e.g., stations cannot be located where irrigation water may interfere with the rain sensor).
Ineligible costs:
- Used materials or equipment
- Repair and maintenance costs
Installation of new irrigation system or upgrade/replacement of an existing system as recommended by an irrigation system assessment.
Required documents:
- Plans, Technical Assessments and Engineered Design prerequisite code 2901 – Irrigation System Assessment
- Proof of water licence for the proposed use[1] as verified by qualified professionals completing the Irrigation System Assessments
- If applicable, change approval to make changes in and about a stream.
- Irrigation system design certified by a Certified Irrigation Designer through the Irrigation Industry Association of BC (IIABC).
Eligible costs for new systems:
- System selection should achieve the best water application efficiency possible (for example, wheel-line or center pivot irrigation systems for forage crops, drip for horticultural crops)
- The new irrigation system must be identified in the irrigation system assessment and must indicate how and to what level of irrigation water use efficiency will be achieved for the entire irrigation system.
Eligible costs for existing systems:
- The irrigation system assessment must indicate how, and to what level, the irrigation water use efficiency will be increased by the project. More specifically, by the time the project report is submitted the following data is required:
- Pre-project (baseline) and post-project energy source
- Pre-project (baseline) and post-project annual energy consumption (in kWh)
- Estimated annual reduction of fossil fuel consumption (in kWh, if applicable)
- Eligible items for system upgrades (if identified in plan) include replacement of nozzles, gaskets, sprinklers, suction screen, intake pipes, and mainlines.
Ineligible costs:
- Used irrigation systems
- Electrical systems
- Fencing
- Sprinkler irrigation systems for horticultural crops
[1] Proof that an Existing Use Groundwater licence application has been submitted for historical groundwater use (i.e., use that occurred prior to February 29, 2016, and application submitted by March 1, 2022) is also acceptable.
This project code can be used for a new piped system, replacing a ditched system with a piped system, or improving an existing piped system.
Required documents:
- Plans, Technical Assessments and Engineered Design prerequisite code 2901 – Irrigation System Assessment
- Proof of water licence for the proposed use[1] as verified by qualified professionals completing the Irrigation System Assessments
- If applicable, change approval to make changes in and about a stream.
[1] Proof that an Existing Use Groundwater licence application has been submitted for historical groundwater use (i.e., use that occurred prior to February 29, 2016, and application submitted by March 1, 2022) is also acceptable.
Purchase and installation of new or replacement meters, backflow prevention devices, or other flow measuring devices. Please refer to the BC Water and Waste Association for details on cross-connection control.
Eligible costs:
- Materials costs
- Labour costs for installation
- Valves
- Piping through hookup
Ineligible costs:
- Used equipment
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Applicants
Applicants must:
- Have an EFP that is less than 5 years old and reflects the current farm or ranch operation.
- The EFP must be renewed if it is more than 5 years old, or if there have been changes made to the farm or ranch operation that could have impacted the environmental risk.
- For the 2025/26 fiscal year, a grace period of up to 6 months is in place for EFPs, if a renewal is unable to be completed for reasons beyond the applicant’s control. Please confirm with IAF if you are eligible for the EFP grace period.
- The farm or ranch operation must be in British Columbia and have valid “Farm Class” land as designated by the BC Assessment Authority or be a First Nations agricultural operation with designated authority to use the land.
- The applicant must have a valid business (GST) number.
- Have completed the prerequisite activities required for activities applied for.
- Some BMP activities require assessments, plans or engineered design that must completed prior.
- Prerequisites must be completed and submitted before beginning a project.
- Concurrent planning/design projects and on-farm equipment/infrastructure projects may be allowed in some cases where projects are not dependent on the final plan or design for the equipment/infrastructure activity or may be waived at the discretion of the Program Manager.
Additional Requirements & Notices
- Projects activities should not commence prior to approval of the application, retroactive costs are not eligible.
- For 2025/26 the BMP: Water Infrastructure category has a cap in place of $200,000.
- NOTE: Beginning in 2025/26, a per-farm maximum funding amount has been established of $100,000. This means that in addition to the category caps listed below, a lifetime cap has been established for the remainder of the Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership Initiative (April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2027), this cap does not apply to the Water Infrastructure category.
- Applicants can only apply for each BMP activity (i.e. Practice Code) once per fiscal year. Example: Applicants may not apply to install a new irrigation system (Practice Code 1804) twice in one year.
- Stacking of funds from other government programs is permitted so long as the funding received from all government sources does not exceed 100% of project costs.
Ineligible Activities and Expenses
Unless specified in a BMP Practice Code, the following costs are ineligible:
- Fertilizer, seed, and crop protection products
- Fees for permits, approvals, or legal activities
- Typical farm equipment and related accessories or attachments (including tractors, skid steers and trailers)
- Costs of ongoing activities
- Maintenance or repair costs
- Financing charges, loan interest payments, bank fees
- Maintenance or extended warranties on equipment, electronics, or technology purchases
- New building construction, including sheds, barns, or storages (for products or by-products)
- Expenses incurred before approval or expenses after the project completion date unless consent is received from the program.
Applying to the Program
Accessing the IAF Client Portal
REMINDER: Do not wait to start this process – it can take up to two business days to validate your organization!
To apply to the program, you must first create an IAF Client Portal account and register your organization by navigating to the IAF Client Portal and selecting “Create an account now.” Once you confirm you are a BC-based business/farm/individual you will then need to complete two sections:
This is the information needed for your account, all starred (*) information should be kept for ease of reference when completing your application
- Name *
- Job Title
- Phone Number
This is the information needed for your organization to be validated in the IAF Client Portal, all starred (*) information should be kept for ease of reference when completing your application
- Legal Organization Name (either Federal or BC) *
- Operating Name (if different from legal) *
- Organization Type (select from a dropdown menu) *
- Organization Address
- Organization Email
- Organization Phone
- Organization Website
- Organization Registration Date (either Federal or BC) *
- Head Office Location
- BC Registration ID (to look up your BC ID click here)
- CRA Business Number *
- NAICS Code 4-digit (select from a dropdown menu – click here for guide) *
- Primary Purpose of Operation (select from a dropdown menu) *
- Sector Group (select from a dropdown menu) *
- Region (select from a dropdown menu)
- Brief Organizational Profile
Items marked with a star (*) will need to be entered into your application, keep them on hand for ease of reference.
IAF Client Portal emails are sent from, please save this as a contact in your email.
It can take up to two business days to validate your organization. If you haven’t received an email in 3 – 5 business days check your spam folder.
Starting your Application
Applicants are invited to start (i.e. draft, edit & view) their application prior to the submission window opening. Applicants are encouraged to include only activities they are confident will be completed on time and within budget limits.
To find the application navigate to the ‘Funding Opportunities’ tab in the IAF Client Portal and select the appropriate program.
When filling out your application you will complete six sections:
This section is where you will answer relevant organization information questions, the starred (*) information you kept from Organization Registration will answer most questions.
- Organization Name
- Primary and Secondary Contact Information
- Business Type
- Farm Status
- Premises ID (if applicable)
- CRA Business Number
- Organization Type
- Sector Group
- Primary Purpose
- Organization Registration Date
- NAICS Code (4 digits)
- Updated NAICS Code (5 digits)
As this program is funded under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, you are required to provide additional demographic information. The demographic information is collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and must be done before submitting your application. To provide your demographic information:
- Start drafting your application in the IAF Client Portal.
- Copy your application ID (it will be provided to you at the Demographic data section of the application, or see the top of your application form). You will need to put this ID into the Ministry’s form.
- Visit the Ministry’s webpage through the link on the application and complete the form. (Note: this will open a new browser tab).
- Once the form is complete, copy the Ministry’s confirmation number and enter it in the application form. It should look something like this AB123456
Note: Demographic information will not be used to assess eligibility for the program.
This section will require:
- Your EFP Workbook Number
- Your Planning Advisor’s Name
- Name on EFP Statement of Completion
- This should be the same as your legal operation name, if not, please upload supporting documentation such as a certificate of incorporation, or a name change certificate, or download and complete a copy of our landowner statement.
After, you will be asked for a project summary that will require information such as your farmland breakdown by hectares, a brief overview of the environmental issues this project will address, a description of your project, steps to complete your project, a list of materials and equipment needed, contractors you plan on using, and start & end dates of your project.
Break down your project costs into the applicable project codes. If your proposed project has multiple components that would fit under two or more practice codes please include a budget summary in your project documents that specifies what quoted costs reflect your selected project codes.
This section is where you will review and sign the terms and conditions for applying to an IAF Program which covers and defines the:
- Binding Agreement
- Services
- Start Date and End Date
- IAF Funding for Services
- Third-Party Workers
- Representations of Client
- Release and Indemnity
- Miscellaneous
- Demographic Information Terms
- Terms and Conditions
The following documents should be submitted with your application.
- Property Assessment Notice (current year)
- Legal Lease Agreement/ Proof of Ownership
- Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) Statement of Completion
- Quotes for the work to be completed
If Applicable
- Supporting Lease Documentation
- Proof of water license for proposed use
- Water license for proposed storage volume
- Water Management Plan and/or Irrigation system assessment and/or Technical design
- Assessment/approval/authorization from the Dam Safety Program staff
- Change approval to make changes in and about a stream
- Easement
- Maps/Sketch/Photos
IAF recommends clicking ‘Save’ frequently as you work on your application in case of an unexpected disconnection. Once you are finished editing click ‘Save and Close’ to minimize the editing panel and take you back to looking over your application.
New This Year! Book a Call
Starting on the Application Open date for each category, you can book a 10-minute phone consultation with an IAF staff member to discuss your BMP application.
Prior to booking an appointment, you must start your draft application and provide the ID number (BMP-202425-0####). This gives you and the IAF staff member a specific application to reference and provide support for during the 10-minute phone call.
Applicants are limited to one phone call appointment.
Review and Adjudication
All applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Project applications are screened and reviewed by IAF Staff. This review involves:
- Ensuring application completeness
- Organization/Applicant eligibility check
- Project alignment and eligibility check
Applications will be considered until all available funding is committed. All decisions regarding application status are final. All applicants will receive a funding decision email from IAF.
Need help with IAF’s Client Portal?
We’ve created a number of tutorials and FAQs about the IAF Client Portal to help guide you in creating an account, registering your organization, starting your application, and more!
Want to speak to someone regarding your application?
Email us with your application questions or call us at 250.940.6150 to speak to a coordinator.
Notifications & Obligations
Review and Adjudication
Applications will be accepted on set open and close dates or until funding is fully committed. Upon submission of an application, all BMP applications will be reviewed under the first-come, first-serve model for 2025/26 intakes. Project applications are screened and reviewed by IAF. This review involves:
- Ensuring application completeness.
- Organization/Applicant eligibility check.
- Project alignment and eligibility check.
IAF staff will return incomplete applications to applicants via the IAF Client Portal for resubmission with missing information/clarifications requested.
Funding Notifications & Contracts
IAF will contact the applicant with the details of a funding decision and any associated terms and conditions by email via the IAF Client Portal.
Funding decisions for complete applications will be communicated to applicants within 8 weeks of a complete application submission. If funding is fully committed, applications may be placed on a waitlist pending additional funding become available.
Funding is application and project specific. It must be used for the approved project and related expenses, and it is non-transferable.
Reporting Requirements
Successful applicants must complete a final report prior to receiving funds from the program. This report must be filled out and submitted via the IAF Client Portal with all invoices to be considered for funding reimbursement. It is important that the final report is submitted on time and with all required information. Expenses will be reimbursed based on the submitted receipts, the approved project budget and the corresponding cost-share ratio. All reporting will be completed via the IAF Client Portal.
Funding Acknowledgements
This program is funded by the Governments of Canada and British Columbia through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. As such, acknowledgement of funding is required when publicly communicating about a project and/or funding. To ensure appropriate acknowledgement, all communications and marketing materials, including public announcements or social media posts, must be pre-approved by the IAF Communications Team. Materials can be submitted via the IAF Client Portal.
Changes to Contracted Projects
If you are not able to complete your project or require a change, please inform the IAF Team as soon as possible using the IAF Client Portal.
Apply to the BMP Water Infrastructure category
Applications open: January 14, 2025 | Submissions open: February 10, 2025, at 9 AM | Applications close: February 21, 2025, at 4 PM
Subscribe to the newsletter to stay up to date on program news!
Beneficial Management Practices Program Guide
Download the Beneficial Management Practices Program Guide.
Water Infrastructure Appendix
Download the Beneficial Management Practices Program Water Infrastructure Appendix.
Need a Contractor?
IAF has assembled a list of verified contractors that are able to help execute your plan/design.
Land Owner Statement
Download the Land Owner Statement for the Beneficial Management Practices Program.
Ministry of Agriculture and Food’s Water Licenses and Approvals Guide
Visit the Ministry’s website for their water license and approval guide.
Funding Acknowledgement Requirements
Download the Funding Acknowledgement Requirements for the Beneficial Management Practices Program.
Have an Active Project?
Please visit the program’s Project Resource Hub for more information.
Have a Question?
Contact the IAF Team
Please note: the Government of BC may, from time to time, give instructions to IAF in relation to the delivery and administration of this program. IAF must and will comply with those instructions.
Funding for these programs have been provided by the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a $3.5 billion, 5-year agreement between the federal, provincial and territorial governments. Additional funding has been provided by CleanBC. The program is delivered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC (IAF).