Plans & Designs BMPs

Plans & Designs BMPs2024-08-21T13:37:57-07:00

Cost-Shared Ratios:

  • Basic Plans and Designs: 100% up to an identified limit
  • Complex Plans and Designs: 80% up to an identified limit
  • Biogas Plans and Designs: 80% up to 50K

Maximum Funding Amounts vary by plan. See project details.

Project Completion Date: + 90 days from Project Approval/Start Date


  • Basic Plans
    • Nutrient management planning (voluntary) | (100% up to $3K)
    • Nutrient management planning (regulatory) | (100% up to $6K)
    • Integrated pest management planning | (100% up to $3K)
    • Grazing management planning | (100% up to $3K)
    • Biodiversity planning | (100% up to $3K)
    • Irrigation system assessment and plan | (100% up to $3K)
    • Water management plan | (100% up to $6K)
    • Riparian management planning | (100% up to $3K)
    • Vegetative buffer planning | (100% up to $3K)
  • Complex Plans (80% to max program payment $10K)
    • Engineering or technical design work by a qualified professional (earthen manure storage structure assessment as per Section 24: The Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management)
    • Engineering or technical design work by a qualified professional (organic residuals – composting)
    • Energy Assessments and alternative energy pre-feasibility study completed by a qualified professional
  • Designs (80% to a max program payment of $20K)
    • Engineering or technical design work by a qualified professional (manure treatment)
    • Engineering or technical design work by a qualified professional (confined livestock area runoff)
    • Engineering or technical design work by a qualified professional (confined livestock relocation)
    • Engineering or technical design work by a qualified professional (wastewater – nutrient recovery)
    • Engineering or technical design work by a qualified professional (water and riparian)
    • Engineering or technical design work or technical feasibility studies (methane emission reduction)
    • Engineering or technical design work or technical feasibility studies (carbon dioxide emission reduction)
  • Biogas Feasibility Studies (80% to a max program payment of $50K)
    • Feasibility studies for the installation of biogas systems

Sign up for BMP Updates

Area of Interest:

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible Applicants

Applicants must:

  • Have an Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) that is less than 5 years old and reflects the current farm or ranch operation. The EFP must be renewed if it is more than 5 years old, or if there have been changes made to the farm or ranch operation that could have impacted the environmental risk. This does not imply the farm operation will be able to access BMP program dollars nor does it imply the farm cap will be reset.
  • The farm or ranch operation must be in British Columbia and have valid “Farm Class” land as designated by the BC Assessment Authority or be a First Nations agricultural operation with designated authority to use the land.
  • The applicant must have a valid business (GST) number.
  • Access to certain BMPs require additional assessments, planning or design that must completed prior to approval (e.g., Nutrient or Riparian Management Plans). These BMPs are “linked”, and the planning BMP must be completed and submitted prior to beginning a project. Concurrency of planning and/or technical assessment may be allowed for projects that are not contingent on a final design for the project construction activity or may be waived at the discretion of the Program Manager. All Planning BMPs require prior approval.

Ineligible Activities and Expenses

Unless specified in a BMP Practice Code, the following costs are ineligible:

  • Fertilizer, seed, and crop protection products
  • Fees for permits, approvals, or legal activities
  • Typical farm equipment and related accessories or attachments (including tractors, skid steers and trailers)
  • Costs of ongoing activities
  • Maintenance or repair costs
  • Financing charges, loan interest payments, bank fees and charges
  • Maintenance or extended warranties on equipment, electronics, or technology purchases
  • New building construction including sheds, barns, or storages (for products or by-products)
  • Expenses incurred prior to approval, or expenses after the project completion date unless consent is received from the program.

Additional Eligibility Requirements & Notices

  • Stacking of funds from other government programs is not allowed.


Applicants will apply through the IAF Client Portal. REMINDER: Do not wait to start this process – it can take up to two business days to validate your organization!

The application process will consist of:

REMINDER: Do not wait to start this process – it can take up to two business days to validate your organization!

  • Go to IAF’s Client Portal
  • Create a personal profile (name and email)
  • Provide organization information, including:
    • Name
    • Contact details
    • Type of organization
    • BC ID / CRA numbers
    • Primary contact
    • And more

Select the Beneficial Management Practices Program from Funding Opportunities, and provide:

  • Applicant type
  • Project start & end dates
  • Alignment with program priorities
  • Description of key activities, who will oversee/undertake work, and timeline
  • Demonstrate how all technical, environmental, regulatory standards and/or requirements (as applicable) are met.
  • Copies of relevant documents (e.g., permits, licensing, CBA, documentation from Dam Safety or Water Authorization Program staff)
  • Performance measurement information
  • Funding request / project budget
  • and more!

Applicants may be required to provide supplementary materials in support of their application (e.g., budget, water licence, change approval). These documents can be uploaded through the IAF Client Portal as attachments to the application.

IAF staff are available to answer questions regarding eligible activities, costs and/or the application process. IAF may also contact applicants for additional information or clarification to assess their application. Applicants can contact with any questions about the program or to receive support in developing their application.

Applicants are encouraged to include only activities they are confident will be completed on time and within budget limits.

Need help with IAF’s Client Portal?

We’ve created a number of tutorials and FAQs about the IAF Client Portal to help you navigate this resource successfully.

Demographic Information

As this program is funded under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, you are required to provide additional demographic information. The demographic information is collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and must be done prior to submitting your application. To provide your demographic information:

  • Start drafting your application in the IAF Client Portal.
  • Copy your application ID (it will be provided to you at the Demographic data section of the application, or see the top of your application form). You will need to put this ID into the Ministry’s form.
  • Visit the Ministry’s webpage through the link on the application and complete the form. (Note: this will open a new browser tab).
  • Once the form is complete, copy the Ministry’s confirmation number and enter it in the application form. It should look something like this AB123456

Note: Demographic information will not be used to assess eligibility for the program.

Review and Adjudication

Upon submission of an application, all BMP applications will be reviewed under the first-come, first-serve model for 2024/25 intakes. Project applications are screened and reviewed by IAF Staff. This review involves:

  • Ensuring application completeness.
  • Organization/Applicant eligibility check.
  • Project alignment and eligibility check.

Applications will be considered until all available funding is committed. All decisions regarding application status are final. All applicants will receive a funding decision email from IAF.

Notifications & Obligations

Funding Notifications & Contracts

If the project is approved, IAF will inform the applicant of the details of the decision and any associated terms and conditions by email within eight weeks of the application close date or the submission of the application if in the case of an ongoing intake window.
Funding is application and project-specific and must be used for the approved project and related expenses. Funds are non-transferable.
Retroactive costs will not be considered.
Projects funded in 2024 may begin on or after April 1, 2024, and must be completed by set dates determined by category. If the project is not approved, the applicant will receive a written response from IAF.

Changes to Contracted Projects

If you are not able to complete your project or require a change, please inform the IAF Team as soon as possible using the IAF Client Portal.

Funding Acknowledgement

This program is funded by the Government of BC and/or Canada, as such acknowledgement of funding is required when publicly communicating about a project and/or funding. To ensure appropriate acknowledgement, all communications and marketing materials, including public announcements or social media posts, must be pre-approved by the IAF Communications Team. Materials can be submitted via the IAF Client Portal.

Reporting Requirements

Successful applicants must complete a final report prior to receiving funds from the program. This report must be filled out and submitted to IAF along with all invoices for the project to be considered for funding reimbursement. It is important that the final report is submitted on time and with all required information. Expenses will be reimbursed based on the submitted receipts, the approved project budget and the corresponding cost-share ratio. All reporting will be completed via the IAF Client Portal.

Project Details

BMP Category

Practice Code

and Commodity

Eligible BMPs and Costs
Voluntary Nutrient Management Planning (NMP) – 2401.1

Consultative services to develop nutrient management plans, planning and decision support tools

·   Up to $3K per plan

·   Laboratory analyses (e.g., manure, soil, leaf tissue or compost)

·  NMPs should include required elements (appropriate record keeping and reporting standards – see Information sheet at

·  Estimated actual costs associated with development of plan must be submitted for review and approval

Note: Raw laboratory analyses nutrient data – free of farm identification – will be collected for environmental health indicators reporting purposes

Regulatory Nutrient Management Planning (NMP) – 2401.2

Consultative services to develop nutrient management plans, planning and decision support tools

Designated for Nutrient Management Planning (As per Sections 56 and 57:  The Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management )



·   Up to $6k per plan

·   Laboratory analyses (e.g. manure, soil, leaf tissue or compost) as part of the eligible costs of the nutrient management plan

·   NMPs should include required elements (appropriate record keeping and reporting standards – see Information sheet at

·   Estimated actual costs associated with development of plan must be submitted for review and approval

·   Note: Raw nutrient data – free of farm identification – will be collected for environmental health indicators reporting purposes

Integrated Pest Management Planning – 2501

Consultative services to develop integrated pest management plans, planning and decision support tools.

·  Up to $3K per plan

·   IPM consultant must be approved by IAF to be eligible for reimbursement.

·  IPM plans must contain required elements of a plan (see information sheet at

·  Actual costs associated with development of plan must be submitted for review and approval


Note: Limit of one plan per eligible farm operation

Grazing Management Planning – 2601

Consultative services to develop range and grazing management plans, planning and decision support tools

·  Up to $3K per plan

·  Linked to Practice Codes 1004, 1005.1 and 1005.2

Note: Limit of two plans per eligible farm operation

Biodiversity Management Planning – 2801

Consultative services to create a biodiversity management plan


·  Up to $3K per plan

·   Plan must include an opportunities assessment, an action plan, identification of potential activities to be implemented, and a monitoring plan.

·   Plan must include a comprehensive list of species present and known occurrences for species at risk (or anecdotal reports from landowner and neighbours if no occurrence data is present)

·   Planning and decision support tools (e.g., computer software and aerial photos)

·   Maps and land resource information costs

·   Report preparation by consultant

·   Plan review with producer

·   Guidance for this BMP is derived from the EFP “Planning for Biodiversity A Guide for BC Farmers and Ranchers”

·   Linked to BMP Practice Codes 1001, 1003, 1901 and 2204

Note: Limit of one plan per eligible farm operation

Irrigation System Assessment – 2901

Consultative services by a Certified Irrigation Designer to evaluate and optimize irrigation system performance (existing systems)

·       Up to $3K per plan

Professional consultative services by a Certified Irrigation Designer from the Irrigation Industry Association of BC (IIABC) to assess existing irrigation systems and provide an action plan on how to increase water use efficiency and irrigation system performance. Note: The BMP program does not recognize certified designers from elsewhere.

The designer must develop an action plan that includes:

·       Assessment of the existing irrigation system to determine whether the design aligns with industry standards and whether the water supply and water licenses are adequate to meet crop needs

·       Details on how the system can be improved to increase water use efficiency and performance for all components of irrigation systems, including water delivery and application

·       A certified design layout, material list, and operation and maintenance requirements

·       Applicable Irrigation System Assessment Worksheets from the EFP Planning Workbook or Irrigation System Assessment Guide

·       Site investigation by a Certified Irrigation Designer prior to action plan and quote preparation

·       Identification of areas where maintenance is required

·       Certified Irrigation Designer must sign and seal each plan for the project to be eligible for funding

·       The Certified Irrigation Designer must submit an invoice to the producer outlining the services before payment for plan preparation can be made

Water Management Plan – 2902

Consultative services to mitigate issues arising from excess water, water supply, and other water-related issues

·       Up to $6K per plan

Professional consultative services for water management planning to deal with issues arising from excess water (stormwater and drainage), shortage of water supply, and other water-related issues resulting from climate change.

·       Plan must assess water supply to the farm (i.e., how the water is being managed on the farm for irrigation, livestock watering, and other farm water uses), as well as drainage and stormwater management. This includes assessment of existing water storage facilities for all farm water uses (e.g., dugouts), water supply sources, drainage channels/structures, and management of runoff/stormwater.

·       Irrigation system assessment and plan is not included (funded under BMP 2901).

·       Dam assessment is not included (funded under BMP 1102).

·       Plan must include recommendations for water management improvements on the farm and specify whether additional water supply, water storage, drainage/runoff control, or water licenses are recommended/required.

·       Consideration should be given to design and operation parameters identified in the BC Irrigation Management Guide, BC Agricultural Drainage Manual and/or the EFP Drainage Management Guide.

·       Plan must be developed, signed and sealed by a Qualified Professional (e.g., Professional Agrologist, Professional Engineer, or Certified Irrigation Designer with education and work experience in agriculture water). Note: Certified Irrigation Designer must be from the Irrigation Industry Association of BC (IIABC). The BMP program does not recognize certified designers from elsewhere.

Riparian Management Plan – 3001

Consultant fees to produce a riparian management plan (RMP) report for farmer with BMP recommendations that include a design layout, species list and maintenance protocols

·   Up to $3K per plan

·   RMP is based on a needs assessment from riparian health assessments (RHA) generated during EFP process

·   Results of RHA must be included with application for RMP

·   Planning and decision support tools (e.g. computer software, aerial photos)

·   Maps and land resource information costs

·   Data collection, materials and sampling and analysis costs by consultant

·   Design work by consultant for water course and wetland areas and riparian buffer strip projects. Detailed engineering of bank stability and/or stream crossings should be completed under Practice Codes 1102

·   Report preparation by consultant

·   Plan review with producer


Ineligible items:

·    Time, effort and travel by the producer

·    Professional services not directly related to riparian health assessment and buffer strip planning

·    Field-specific agronomic practices (e.g. variable rate application of crop inputs)

·    Costs associated with developing engineer reports for drainage projects

Vegetative Buffer Planning – 3401

Services of a qualified consultant or EFP Program designate to produce a vegetative buffer plan (VBP) that includes a design layout, species list and maintenance protocols

·   Up to $3K per plan

·   A shelterbelt, buffer or hedgerow VBP based on a needs assessment from a BMP recommendation generated during the EFP process

·  Services of a qualified consultant or EFP Program designate to produce a vegetative buffer plan (VBP) that includes a design layout, species list and establishment protocols.

·  A shelterbelt, buffer or hedgerow VBP based on a needs assessment from BMP recommendations generated through the EFP process.

·  Planning and decision support tools (e.g. computer software, aerial photos)

·  Maps and land resource information costs

·  Data collection, materials, sampling and analysis costs by consultant or designate

·  Design work by consultant for buffer layout, species selection and establishment costs

·  Report preparation

·  Plan review with producer

·  Linked to BMP Practice Code 1901

Ineligible items:

·  Time, effort and travel by the producer

·  Professional services not directly related to the VBP

Complex Plans  (80% to a maximum program payment of $10K associated with first plan)
Improved Manure Storage and Handling – 0106

Engineering or technical design work by a qualified professional (earthen manure storage structure assessment)


·  Assessment of existing earthen manure or agricultural by-product storage basins (lagoons) built before February 28th, 2019 by a qualified professional as per Section 24:  The Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management Costs can include site assessment by drilling, analytical costs for soil or water and report preparation


Ineligible items:

·  Permanent monitoring equipment

·   Leak prevention supplies

Product and Waste Management – 0804

Engineering or technical design work


·   Engineering or technical design report and drawings to facilitate construction of composting facility, new liquid manure storage or modification of existing liquid manure storage

·   Compost facility operational planning and monitoring information

Ineligible items:

·   Construction materials

·   Monitoring equipment

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emission Reduction – 3301

Energy Assessments and alternative energy pre-feasibility study completed by a qualified professional


·   Consultative services for on-farm energy efficiency assessment, and alternative energy assessments or pre-feasibility studies.

·   Energy assessments for energy efficiency or for alternative energy assessments

·   Alternative energy pre-feasibility assessments

·   Assessments must be carried out be a contracted professional

Designs (80% to a max program payment of $20K)
Manure Treatment – 0204

Engineering or technical design work


·   Eligible projects include assessment and design of agricultural by-product manure treatment

·   Focus of engineering or technical design should on recovery of nutrients

Farmyard Runoff Control / Storm Water Management – 0503

Engineering or technical design work


·   Eligible projects include assessment and design of farmyard run of control and/or management of stormwater to prevent clean water from being contaminated or prevent the release of contaminated water

·   Consideration should be given to design and operation parameters identified in the BC Agricultural Drainage Manual and/or the EFP Drainage Management Guide

Relocation of Livestock Confinement – 0603

Engineering or technical design work


·   Eligible projects include assessment and design of outdoor livestock confinement areas with a view to protecting riparian areas or critical habitat

·   Focus of engineering or technical design should on both design of new site and the decommissioning of the original site

Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater – 1702

Engineering or technical design work


·   Eligible projects include assessment and design of agricultural by-product wastewater treatment

·   Focus of engineering or technical design should on recovery of nutrients

Engineering or technical design/assessment – water and riparian-1102

Engineering or technical design by an accredited engineering consultant or a qualified professional in accordance with federal, provincial, and local government regulations and specifications




Eligible costs:

·       Assessment and design of any riparian structures (i.e., culverts, dams, bridges, revetments, root wads, fencing, off-stream watering, bank stabilization planting)

  • Assessment and design of licensed water storage structures (e.g., dugouts, dams, reservoirs) associated with water licences with an agricultural water use purpose
  • Engineering design or technical assessment required by the Ministry to support an application for a water licence with an agricultural water use purpose (e.g., Environmental Flow Needs assessment, hydrogeological assessment).

Ineligible items:

  • Construction services
Methane (CH4) Emission Reduction – 3102

Engineering design work or technical feasibility studies

·   This practice code is designated as to be used when  feasibility studies are required prior to the implementation of practice code 3101-1

·   This practice code will stand alone if project does not proceed for economic, technical or environmental reasons

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emission Reduction – 3309

Engineering or technical design work or technical feasibility studies

·   Option to utilize engineering or technical design in advance of 3303, 3304

·   This practice code will stand alone if project does not proceed for economic, technical or environmental reasons

Biogas: Feasibility Studies (80% to a maximum program payment of $50K)
Feasibility studies for the installation of biogas systems – 0205

Consultative services to develop pre-feasibility, technical feasibility, or Engineering design work for on-farm biogas systems.

Projects must either reduce agricultural carbon dioxide emissions or reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere

·   Eligible projects include:

·    assessment through feasibility studies and design of biogas systems to be integrated into on-farm waste management systems

·   Engineering or technical design report and drawings to facilitate construction of biogas systems

·   Focus of engineering or technical design should be on biogas systems and associated required infrastructure. Recovery of nutrients may be included if it is required to meet regulated Nutrient Management Planning.

·   Estimated costs associated with development of studies or design must be submitted for review and approval

Ineligible items: 

·   Feasibility studies should not include the costs and infrastructure for standalone manure storage systems


Plans & Designs BMPs Program Dates

Apply and submit your Plans & Designs BMP application(s) beginning on March 12, 2024, at 9 AM and ongoing until funding is fully allocated.

REMINDER: Do not wait to start your organization registration – it can take up to two business days to validate!



Will IAF consider multi-year BMP Projects for funding approval?2024-02-05T14:48:45-08:00

IAF will consider multi-year projects for the current intakes, however these will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Applications that intend to span more than one fiscal year must indicate the work that will occur in each project year and the budget associated with that work. It should be noted that projects that span more than one fiscal year will still only be entitled to the same Maximum Total Funding Amount for the one Fiscal Year (for example, for Riparian and Grazing Projects, the maximum total funding amount would remain $70,000). Requests for consideration must include justification for extending the project beyond the standard project completion timeline. 

When will payment(s) be received?2024-02-05T14:48:10-08:00

IAF provides payments by EFT (direct deposit). To get your EFT information set up to ensure timely delivery of your payment(s) please follow the directions provided here to update your client portal.

Payments will be made based on actual expenses reported, and payments will be made in arrears. All projects require an approved report to receive payment.

When can I expect to hear back about a funding decision?2024-02-05T14:47:42-08:00

Funding decisions for complete applications will be communicated to applicants within 8 weeks of the program’s close or the application submission if in the case of an ongoing intake window.

IAF will return incomplete applications to applicants via the IAF Client Portal for resubmission with missing information/clarifications requested. IAF will complete adjudication and notification of funding decisions within eight weeks of application resubmission.

What proof of equipment (or similar) purchase do you require?2024-02-05T14:46:49-08:00

When reporting, you may be asked to submit an image of the equipment (or similar) serial number; this serial number must match the serial number on the submitted invoice.

What is the difference between the application and submission window?2024-02-05T14:51:19-08:00

The Beneficial Management Practices (BMP) Program is a first-come, first-serve program. For the 2024 application window, we heard feedback that applicants wanted to have time to review the application before submissions start to see the specific application questions and requirements and to start preparing their application before submissions begin.

The application window is the two-week period where an applicant is able to view, draft, and save their application. The submission window is the 6-day period where an applicant can submit their application.

What if my project requires a permit?2024-02-05T14:47:15-08:00

Please provide the status of the permit and any supporting documentation at the time of application.

My total project costs are more than the funding cap for the program, what do I do?2024-02-05T14:49:59-08:00

Please only submit costs up to the cap of the category/project. If you exceed the program/project cap on your application, you will receive an error and will need to adjust your application details before you are able to submit.

Is GST an eligible cost as part of my project expenses?2024-02-05T14:45:45-08:00

No, GST is not eligible for reimbursement.

I cannot submit my application due to a ‘total funding requested’ error, how do I submit?2024-02-05T14:49:26-08:00

If you receive an error similar to the error below, please adjust your project costs to be below or at the maximum funding amount. We acknowledge that projects may cost more to complete – but the request may not exceed the amount due to system limitations.

How long does it take to register my organization? Is this included in the deadline?2024-02-05T14:45:13-08:00

Your organization must register through the IAF Client Portal to apply to IAF programs. Please note, if you have not already registered, this process can take up to 2 business days and must be completed before the application deadline.

How long can I take to complete my project?2024-02-05T14:46:25-08:00

The completion date of your project is dependent on the BMP category you apply for, as well as the project start date. Please see Important Dates for details.

Do I have to complete the SCAP Demographic Data form again if I’ve applied for one or more SCAP programs/projects?2024-02-27T08:56:31-08:00

No, provided the last time you completed the form was in the same fiscal year, you can input the confirmation number provided by the Ministry into another application form.

If you last completed the form a year or more ago, please complete a new Demographic Data Collection Survey for IAF Applicants.

Can I change the BMP category on my application after I have started?2024-02-05T14:50:26-08:00

Yes. However, please remove all numbers entered in the previously chosen BMP practice code. If you do not remove the previously entered numbers, they will affect the total funding requested calculation at the end of your application.

Beneficial Management Practices Program Guide

Download the Beneficial Management Practices Program Guide.

Plans & Designs BMP Appendix

Download the Beneficial Management Practices Program Appendix for the Plans & Designs category.

Funding Acknowledgement Requirements

Download the Funding Acknowledgement Requirements for the Beneficial Management Practices Program.

Land Owner Statement

Download the Land Owner Statement for the Beneficial Management Practices Program.

Need a Contractor?

IAF has assembled a list of verified contractors that are able to help execute your plan/design.

Have an Active Project?

Please visit the program’s Project Resource Hub for more information.

Have a Question?

Contact the IAF Team

Please note: the Government of BC may, from time to time, give instructions to IAF in relation to the delivery and administration of this program. IAF must and will comply with those instructions.

Funding for this program has been provided by the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a $3.5-billion, 5-year agreement between the federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector. The program is delivered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC.

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