IAF maintains a list of verified contractors that have been utilized in the past for various plans and designs under the Beneficial Management Practices Program. IAF updates this list as verified contractors are identified.
Disclaimer: This list has been compiled for reference only and does not reflect endorsement or approval by IAF. Users are solely responsible for ensuring the appropriateness of any consultant.
The organizations or individuals listed below are not an exclusive list; any individual or organization is welcome to complete the plan and/or design, provided they are qualified and vetted.
The organizations or individuals listed below are not an exclusive list; any individual or organization is welcome to complete the plan and/or design, provided they are qualified and vetted.
If you would like to be displayed as a verified contractor on this page, please contact us with your credentials >>
Eligibility Requirements
The minimum requirement for contractors and consultants providing biodiversity management planning services would be a qualified registered professional, preferably a P.Ag, RPBio, or other licensed professional, with at least 3 years of demonstrated competence to conduct the following:
- Identify local species and ecosystems that would occur in a natural undisturbed environment;
- Assess habitat requirements of naturally occurring species;
- Determine what the limiting factors are for habitat and species in the area of interest and which species and habitats may be enhanced or restored;
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of applicable environmental legislation (e.g. Species at Risk Act, Fisheries Act, Wildlife Act, etc.);
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of when other professionals (RPF, PEng) may be needed to work as a team to design an appropriate biodiversity enhancement plan.
An engineering or technical design must be carried out by an appropriately qualified professional, the term qualified professional means an applied scientist or technologist specializing in the relevant field including but not necessarily limited:
- Agrology
- Forestry
- Biology
- Entomology
- Engineering
- Geomorphology
- Geology
- Hydrology
- Hydrogeology
- Landscape architecture
An appropriately qualified professional must be registered in British Columbia with the appropriate professional organization and act under that association’s Code of Ethics. The contractor must possess a complement of education, experience, accreditation, and knowledge relevant to their expertise to be considered.
The minimum requirements for contractors and consultants providing grazing management planning services would be a registrant with the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists with a stated practice area of Livestock Development, Production & Management or Rangeland & Grazing Management, and at least one of the following:
- Certified Professional in Range Management from the Society for Range Management
- Certified Consultant in Range Management from the Society for Range Management
- At least 3 years of range management experience.
The minimum requirements for contractors and consultants providing integrated pest management planning services are a valid Pesticide Applicator Certificate from the Ministry of Environment AND one of the following:
- A registrant with the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists with a minimum of 3 years experience in providing pest management advisory services on the commodity or discipline for which advice is being provided or,
- A combination of post-secondary education in agriculture or related discipline and a minimum 5 years experience providing pest management advisory services on the commodity or discipline for which advice is being provided.
For BMPs that do NOT require a new irrigation system to be installed:
- A registrant in good standing with the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists (BCIA), at least three years of agricultural experience in irrigation design and management, or
- A registrant in good standing with Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC), at least three years of agricultural experience in irrigation design, or
- Certified Irrigation Designer (CID) in either agriculture sprinkler or agriculture trickle, registered in good standing with the Irrigation Industry Association of British Columbia (IIABC).
Where a new irrigation system is to be installed:
- Certified Irrigation Plan must be prepared by an IIABC Certified Irrigation Designer (CID) who is registered in good standing in agriculture sprinkler or agriculture trickle
The minimum requirements for contractors and consultants providing nutrient management planning services include, in accordance with provincial legislation:
- A registrant as a Professional Agrologist (P.Ag) with British Columbia Institute of Agrologists
- Have completed a Nutrient Management Plan training course approved by a director (most likely the Nutrient Management Plan training held by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food) and hold a certificate of completion
The minimum requirement for contractors and consultants providing riparian management planning services includes:
- A qualified registered professional, preferably a P.Ag, RPBio, or other licensed professional
- Demonstrated familiarity with Alberta Cow and Fish’s Riparian Health Assessment methodology
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of when other professionals (PEng, RPBio, technical specialists) may be needed to work as a team to design an appropriate riparian enhancement plan (such as fencing, erosion control, or stream crossings)
The minimum requirement for contractors and consultants providing vegetative buffer planning services includes:
- A qualified registered professional, preferably a P.Ag, RPBio, or other licensed professional
- At least 3 years of demonstrated experience in creating vegetative buffer designs on agricultural lands.
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of when other professionals (RPF, PEng) may be needed to work as a team to design an appropriate vegetative buffer plan.
- Demonstrated working knowledge of regionally adapted tree/shrub species that would be appropriate to plant for mitigating nuisance concerns such as dust, odour, noise and pesticide drift.
- Attended the EFP Vegetative Buffer Training Program hosted by the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food
The minimum requirements for contractors and consultants providing water management planning services would be the following:
- A registrant in good standing with the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists (BCIA) OR Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC) OR Certified Irrigation Designer (CID) in either agriculture sprinkler or agriculture trickle registered in good standing with the Irrigation Industry Association of British Columbia (IIABC); and,
- At least three years of relevant agricultural training and experience in subject matter, including but not limited to irrigation, drainage, water supply assessment, and assessment of storage options and can provide a summary of qualifications, including example projects.
The IAF team has identified a number of contractors within regions across the Province to execute BMP projects.
Click on a region to see the contractors available in that area.
Cariboo Chilcotin Coast
Omenica Skeena
Peace Region
South Coast
Vancouver Island & Coast
IAF does not assume any responsibility for the organizations or individuals above or their actions. This list is intended to provide information and a resource for those interested in pursuing a relevant plan or design. The organizations or individuals listed below are not an exclusive list; any individual or organization is welcome to complete the plan and/or design, provided they are qualified and vetted.