The Agricultural Water Infrastructure Program helped the sector in adapting to climate change by providing incentives for the sector to invest in water infrastructure for adaptation.

The Agricultural Water Infrastructure (AWI) Program was available in the 2023/24 fiscal year and was funded by the Government of BC through the Ministry of Agriculture & Food. The program was delivered by IAF. Through the program, primary and Indigenous Producers, conservation groups, water purveyors and Indigenous Communities had access to cost-shared funding to adapt to climate change by investing in water infrastructure.

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Looking for similar funding?

IAF is thrilled to announce that due to the Agricultural Water Infrastructure Program’s (AWI) great response, the Government of BC will be funding a new (similar) program: Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program (AWP)!

CAP Logo, Province of BC Logo, Government of Canada Logo

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.